Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron) queries by me.

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here is an effect in this Compiz video on YouTube that I really like the look of.

The effect is a ripple like emanation which occurs around application windows after they have been dropped onto the desktop. They move away from the application in all directions and dissolve as they go until they've disappeared completely (hope thats clear, it happens for the first time in the video after about 3 seconds).

I've got Compiz working on my brand new Hardy Heron installation and have played about with the appearance effects, but as yet I've not found anything that looks as though it'll give me this effect.

Is it available by default, or has the fellow in the video done something special in order to use it?


Pee into the Wind...
I got the answer just need to run command 'emerald --replace' and emarald theme got applied.:eek:

After next boot, if still no emerald then need to place same command in sessions.
open System>preference>appearance>Visual Effects>Custom>Window Decoration and enter emerald in command box


The above method will not work as there is no option like "Custom" under visual effect tab

i want to share mail betn ubuntu and vista, long time ago i see one post which guide to do the same but now i cant find the same, please some one give me that link or guide me the same:eek:
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