Ubuntu 7.10 Alpha 5 Released! Brings New Printing System and X GUI

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Dark Star

Cyborg Agent
*www.imgx.org/pfiles/848/ubuntu.pngThe fifth element ... ahem... Alpha release of the upcoming Ubuntu 7.10 (codename Gutsy Gibbon) was released last night. Tribe 5 comes with HOT new features and improvements, like a graphical configuration tool for X, new printing system and some hot Ubuntu Firefox features: "The Ubuntu developers are hurrying to bring you the absolute latest and greatest software the Open Source Community has to offer. Gutsy Gibbon Tribe 5 is the fifth alpha release of Ubuntu 7.10, and this alpha release brings a host of excellent new features."

What's new in Ubuntu 7.10 Tribe 5?
  • GNOME 2.19.90
  • Graphical configuration tool for X that allows you to set up dual monitors, change the default resolution for all users or change your monitor's refresh rate without having to turn to the terminal
*www.imgx.org/pthumbs/large/1551/ubuntualpha5-1.png *www.imgx.org/pthumbs/large/1552/ubuntualpha5-2.png​
  • New Features for Firefox
  • Apt-Enabled Plugin Finder Wizard
  • Extension Manager integration
  • New Printing System which creates a default virtual PDF printer. Also, gnome-cups-manager has been replaced with system-config-printer.
  • • Improved Restricted Manager GUI

What's new in Kubuntu 7.10 Tribe 5?
  • KDM Artwork
  • Strigi is now fully integrated into Kubuntu
  • KDE Sudo (GUI for sudo)
  • OpenSync in KDE PIM
  • KDE PIM Enterprise Branch
  • KioskTool
  • Adept has new hot features
  • KMail and GPG
  • Virtual Keyboard
What's new in Xubuntu 7.10 Tribe 5?
  • Improved printing system
  • New Features for Firefox
  • Artwork Updates
  • The Desktop has been rearranged
Ubuntu 7.10 release schedule:
  • June 7th - Tribe CD 1 (first alpha release)
  • June 28st - Tribe CD 2 (second alpha release)
  • July 19th - Tribe CD 3 (third alpha release)
  • August 9th - Tribe CD 4 (fourth alpha release)
  • August 23rd - Tribe CD 5 (fifth alpha release)
  • September 6th - Tribe CD 6 (sixth alpha release)
  • September 27th - Beta Release
  • October 11th - Release Candidate
  • October 18th - Final Release
Download Locations for Ubuntu Tribe 5 :

Desktop i386 | Desktop AMD x64 | Alternative i386 | Alternative AMD X64 | Server i386 | Server AMD X64


Cyborg Agent
Firefox has always been an issue 4 me wit linux.. Lets hope dis new release changes dat...


left this forum longback
Lets make it stable be released;else u'll get in 100's of MBs of downloads everyday.but does any body heard about what latest Ubuntu will "miss" :(
Why XSserver 1.4 won't make it into Ubuntu Gutsy — If everything goes well, Ubuntu 7.10, Gutsy Gibbon, the next community version of the popular Linux distribution, will appear in October. It will not, however, include the latest and greatest X window server and utilities: Xserver 1.4 and X.Org 7.3. These new windowing programs would have added more features to ...
read full article:


Wire muncher!
yeah... i suppose thats coz they won't be released by the time gusty is released. they plan to include it in the next version. lets see if gusty lives upto the hype.... i should turn out to be a good distro, imho.


left this forum longback
while my debian sid shows:
X Window System Version 1.3.0
Release Date: 19 April 2007
I have withdrawn from experimenting with "experimental" repo of debian.lot of changes!u need to give half ur time for reportbug script.esp the xcb menace(?) replacing xlibs!
and feisty:
X Window System Version 7.2.0
Release Date: 22 January 2007
X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0, Release 7.2
Build Operating System: Linux Ubuntu
Current Operating System: Linux prakash 2.6.20-16-386 #2 Thu Jun 7 20:16:13 UTC 2007 i686
offtopic:i am in an adventure:my mobo gigabyte 915GV intel+7300GT is "ripped off" my system and the "wizards" placed asus via chipset board(sucks!!!).but still Linux rocks!detected and adjusted.only think i have to do was to get openchrome drivers.does windows allows this?i am sure windows will reboot if some driver,h/w is missing/changed :-|


Wire muncher!
yes you can. jus add gusty repo and update. but its still not a stable release. so don't come back and say it din work for you.


The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
Finally a easier way to config Dual monitors. BTW guys will it support configuring TV out?


Great release!
liked the Apt-Enabled Plugin Finder Wizard

Surely i stop my torrents and download it now

Thanks for Information


Jonathan Riddell jriddell at ubuntu.com
Mon Sep 3 09:41:45 BST 2007

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Following discussion with the QA, GNOME, Linux, installer and other
teams we have decided not to make a formal release for Tribe 6, but
rather to use it as a milestone for bugfixing.

Please take a look at the bugs targetted for Tribe 6


If you are assigned bugs please make them your priority for the week,
if you want to help please take a look at one of the unassigned bugs.

We still encourage testing of the daily snapshots


Our testing tracker at *iso.qa.stgraber.org/ will be updated
shortly for results to be posted.

Happy Beastie Squishing.


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