Ubisoft found Pirating the Pirates!

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MMO Addict
Have you ever bought a game, and then not managed to get it working on your machine? Have you ever had to resort to downloading a 'no-cd' crack to get it to run? I know I have, and I know that the games industry considers me a massive pirate due to buying their software, then running it in a way they don't like.

Which makes this thread over on the Ubisoft forums all the more entertaining. When faced with a version of Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 that wasn't working on lots of machines, ubisoft did exactly what you would have done. They went and got a no-cd crack off the internet and released it as an official patch.


OMFG... ROFLROCKET.. *img116.exs.cx/img116/1231/z7shysterical.gif


The cake is a lie!!!
Many more would like to *try* out the game now Ubisoft had done this ...with the (ahem) official patch. :D



It's a wild wild world. Imagine using a pirate patch to fix an original game. Shame on you Ubisoft.


Be CoOl rAp RuLeZ !!!


developers at ubisoft are not that smart as that of reloaded

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