Tutorial: Flashing k550i to w610i !!

Ok. Thanks akhsay... But the menu label text appear on w550, not walkman only. So, ther's no way to make that menu label text appear...?By the way, thank for your tuto (flashing & patching), i love you all & i love my k550>w610 like my k750>w800 before. Sorry for my bed English, i'm an indonesian
I'm Sorry akshay. I mean w550 can show label text perfectly above the clubpulse menu icon (original flash menu that's w550 haue) but when ? install to my k550>w610, i can see the text label. Just menu icon without label that's i can see


hmm .. so i will hv to test it.
upload the flash menu..!! lets see

now wait .. the clubpulse flash menu that we have actually does not have labels .. labels have been removed.. infact in many flash menus labels have been removed

if you wanted that exact menu ml you can get it by extracting a w550 FS ;)

phew .. that was the problem.. so we don't have the original clubpulse flash menu..

coz i hv tested clubpulse flash menu.. its got no labels
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Thanks to test it. Maybe we have to edit that flash file. Is here someone with that skill...? However i like my cell appereance although without menu label. Akshay, do you have more patch. I need sysgfx patch. The FW is r6bc002


forget editing flash .. adode flash won't even install on my computer and laptop LOL with 256 MB RAM. need to upgrade it.

hey patching am really confused how to explain it up all
sys grafic patch is nothing but .. you apply lots of patches and then create graphics .. that it
put all folders outside fs and then easily add flash menu and walkman skins
also use the image tool to replace system graphics


Broken In
so you are from malaysia .. i know that country
you will never need Chinese don't worry !!

althought malaysia is a malay country, i'm not a malay.
i need chinese to occasionally to communicate with my other friends.
i can understand y u dun noe malaysia much, its coz malaysia not very famous.
:D :cool:


Right off the assembly line
problem connecting W610i(aka K550i) to XS++......

hello akshay...long time no hear(don't know if u remember me),i'd last posted on this forum some 5 months ago.....have been satisfactorily using the upgraded Monster CYBERWALK 550i sine then.
recently i saw the upgrades on accoustics-the JPX pack and wanted to flash that in mmy phone,but my PC is now identifying my cell as W610i.I do not have the USB drivers for W610i
thus i think because of the above problem,XS++ is unable 2 connect with my phone,its giving error message every time-
ERROR:cannot open phone communication port.
disconnected...unplug the phone

please advise and if possible/required can u help me get W610i drivers,i,ve googled a lot but to no avail...
anyways,adios amigo....keep up the good work(R&D)
Re: problem connecting W610i(aka K550i) to XS++......

Use gordon's gate to reset your usb flash driver. If you even install usb flash dru, it will install automatically when you conect ur phone with XS++. Try it! May ur prob solved


paarth .. install sues again and se pc suite ..!
then just connect phone once for file twice transfer

and once go for updating phone using sues.. that shld fix it.

or else our friend has given a new solution check it out.
if u install se pc suite .. it will install flash driver for any phone

don't use XS++ 3.2

download a cust pack from hgetis collection..! if not available for your region... then ask for it..!
i shall creat one for you !!

connect phone ( usual process )
unzip the customization pack ( use the cust pack which goes with the FS of your choice or create one which is very easy )

you will find a folder named "tpa" in it

now in xs++ directory on PC, in the directory where u have xs++.exe create a new folder named "own_custpack"

copy the "tpa" folder into this "own_custpack" folder the path of custom files should be like own_custpack/tpa/preset/custom...

open xs++ and connect fone check only customize file system

now under phone model select 'Own Custpack'
under CDA and Region, select '/own_custpack'

now hit flash...
now in few seconds custom files will be added to your phone and done
Start your phone !! Wait for some time !!
you get config error if you don't flash in cust pack.. see this !
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Right off the assembly line
screw my destiny......thank u alll.

thank u everyone for the solutions but i think my destiny is totally screwed.the 'FCKUING' SEUS Download link on Sony-ericsson is dead/frozen/useless(atleast from where i'm trying 2 access it).
Can anyone please mail SEUS pack 2 me as an attachment-my email address is 'drab_pittt@yahoo.co.in'.
My gratitudes in advance to anyone who may help me out with the SEUS pack or else it is simply not in my destiny to experience the sound of the JPX accu pack on my phone.
adios amigo........


Broken In
hi a_k_s_h_a_y!
maybe you remember me? guy who couldn't upgrade cid51 to cid52?
ok! can you tell me what is the best accoustics (just your opinion) for our great cybermans

P.S. I flashed my phone 3 or 4 months ago and everything works great now (thanks to you). I think my cameras quality has decraised for little bit. I was used modded camdrivers but now im back to original k550 camdrivers because I didnt like modded one. I also have hpm75. everyone who think about to buy them BUY THEM (they are great). Only I had problem with them in first week I bought them - left earphone 's sound was very low so I take they back to shop. They token earphones. That all happened in last week of november. Just yesterday I get new exemplares from them so I want the best accousticscan be so please help me akshay :)



yesi remember u . w880 acoustics are good !! i like them .... the best

if you want loud and hifi acoustics then you should try out xaero ma loud
and peters acoustics ...!!

download peters and see which you like !



Right off the assembly line
amigo akshay and everyone else reading:
by hook and by crook i managed 2 hook up my phone with xs++ and report the following findings(might also b that someone may have already posted these facts):
1)The JPX acoustic pack is pure bull-crap..sounds even worst than low quality nokia phones-sound is very very loud but hardly possible to distinguish any sound from each other...Professor Akshay its better u remove that link and avoid any users from damaging their cell's speakers.
2)the cam driver links on the 1st page of 'Re: Tutorial: Flashing k550i to w610i !!' are fantastic.Pics r captured very fast as compared 2 my previous cam drivers-almost 3x to 4x times faster and the pictures seem 2 b more sharp(sorry i didn't think of capturing pics b4 flashing,the quality jump would have been evident 2 everyone then).Akshay,even though u have mentioned that 3 ppl damaged their cams in some way,updating 2 these new cam drivers is a risk worth taking at any and all costs.
and thanx professor Akshay for the link 2 'Get rid of Operator logo',by the way i support the already mentioned fact that-original W880i acoustic files provide best sound quality and volume that is loud enough so as to not damage either the phone's speakers or the great sound quality.
......adios amigo.....


jpx turned out pure crap.. i agree.. i tried it out .. it was sucky

after those 3 guys .. no one has reported dead cam module .. so its fault in their cam module ..!!

yeah hv fun.. get down to patching .. and upload lots of flash menu and skins and many other patches .. enjoy them...!! c ya !


Broken In

*www.topse.ru/templates/new/images/bl_mid_left.png Dmitogor v1.2 & Top SE :eek::eek::eek:
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