Tutorial: Flashing k550i to w610i !!


Broken In

do u know what this patch does??
i dont understand the google translation

; W610 SW-R6BC002
; The minimum period for transmitter
; unlimited number of attempts
; v. 2
(c) IronMaster
(p) Virusmater
C7CDE2: 00780221 06200121
C7D2DA: 0AD1 C046
C7D2E1: D0 E0

;W610 SW-R6BC002
;Минимальный промежуток для автодозвона
;Количество попыток неограниченно
;v. 2
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) Virusmater
C7CDE2: 00780221 06200121
C7D2DA: 0AD1 C046
C7D2E1: D0 E0


Right off the assembly line
u mean tutorial on how to use VKP ?? i already put it up at my site :p
i hv to put all vkp at one place.. i hv put all here


tutorial also at se-nse !

Is there any patch to reset the life timer in service menu of K550i converted to w610i.


to edit acoustics you must use hex editor and zapf files
this is how to do it..

fisherman even i did not understand what that patch really does

premkumar ..i don't know.. hv to see


Right off the assembly line
hi akshayy..

Can my k550i flash with w910i main and w910i FS?

you can get the Main and FS here:..



Right off the assembly line
hi akshayy..

Can my k550i flash with w910i main and w910i FS? or
to k850i main and k850i FS? please give me a guide...:confused:

you can get the Main and FS for many of SE phone here:..




Broken In
*akapu.wordpress.com/category/bd2020/patch/ but for R8BA024. Can download from *topse.ru/files/.


Right off the assembly line
finally i did it right. :D
well, the first time there was too many problems, but thanks God this time everything was fine, thanks a_k_s_h_a_y
but i wanna ask about sth, what's the point in flash menus, if there's no flash theme for it? for example, i got a flash menu called K550, and pit it in the phone, hoe can i ran it if i dont have a theme that works with it right, and called K550 theme? i found so many flash menus, but with no themes for them, so how can i run them?
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no flash menus for k550 for sure
i think that's a flash menu that's got something to do with cybershot interface

flash menus won't work in k550 ..!!
you apply flash menus u need theme file .
in the same tutorial at first post i have given link to how to convert non flash theme to flash theme
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