TUTORIAL: All Kinds of Restrictions for Windows XP/2003

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Vishal Gupta

Microsoft MVP

In this tutorial, I'll tell u some interesting restrictions, which can be made in XP/2003. Like u can restrict Display properties, taskbar properties, folder options, etc.

Though many of u may know all of them or a few of them already, but I think it would be good to share them with u. ;)

All tricks are based on Registry editing. :)
So I'll tell the keyname and the value, that u hv to create for the restriction! If the key is not present, then simply create it. ;)

So here we go:

All Kinds of Restrictions for Windows 2000, XP, 2003 and Vista
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Vishal Gupta

Vishal Gupta

Microsoft MVP
thnx guys!

@Tech Geek
From my mind ;)
I hv learnt so many Registry tricks, that I can tell most of them without opening the registry editor :) So actually there is no source from where I post them, its just my experience & love with registry :D

6 more tricks added in the end of the first post...
Vishal Gupta

Vishal Gupta

Microsoft MVP
Actually it comes with experience, I hv given so much time for such stuffs in past few years! :)

Even I can't remember, from where I knew about all such tricks! No1 create those Registry tricks, these r in-built in XP but the thing is how many tricks u can remember ;)


It's me.....
HI vishal
please tell me this...

1. How to stop other users frm executing types of file u want to and can passwords be given to execute specific file types ?

2. How to prevent access to event logs ?

3. and can it be done that other than commonly used exes like windows media player, winamp, etc. other exe's can be stopped to be executed by specific users ...?



Console Junkie
I want one. I disabled the browser options of IE using the hack given in the Digit Fast Track. But you can still access the browser options by right clicking the IE icon and going into the properties. Is there any way to completely forbid access to these properties.

If you are going to tell me to disable right clicking altogether then that is not what I want. Please see if you can find this.

Aditya Shevade
Vishal Gupta

Vishal Gupta

Microsoft MVP
Yes! It only disables Internet Options inside the browser, but u can still access them from other methods :(

But there is a work-around :D
U can disable a particular tab in the Internet Options ;) So if any1 try to access Internet Options from other methods, he'll not be able to access that particular tab :D

So just tell me which tab u want to disable, and I'll post the code ;)

1.) It can't be done using registry :( u'll hv to use 3rd party s/w.

2.) yes! u can restrict event log for accounts other than system accounts. Goto following key:


create new DWORD value RestrictGuestAccess and set its value to 1

3.) Yes! just create following key:


and in right-side pane, create new String value with name like 1 and set its value to the program's exe which u want to be allow to run!
Vishal Gupta

Vishal Gupta

Microsoft MVP
I noticed that after restricting registry editor, 3rd party Registry editors work :D

Tuneup Utilities registry editor works even after disabling Windows default registry editor!

or u can again enable registry editor from gpedit.msc ;)


An Esoteric Geek
u can always change registry keys without opening Regedit.. :) Since you know the key u disabled, its just a matter of enabling it.. You can change the registry keys through Command prompt, Run command etc..

Type the key below in Start -> Run

REG add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v DisableRegistryTools /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f


It's me.....
HI vishal...Thanks for the help..
bhai tell me ..for ..

1. Any such 3rd party Software which can do this ....?


3.I want to restrict all the other apps to be run by others, except a few ones of course, so can something be done by regedit or any third party app that i can restrict executing or installing all the other apps other than just a few ones which i want to allow

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Vishal Gupta

Vishal Gupta

Microsoft MVP
To disable General & Security tab:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Control Panel

and create following DWORD values:


and set their values to 1 :)

Matrix said:
3.I want to restrict all the other apps to be run by others, except a few ones of course, so can something be done by regedit or any third party app that i can restrict executing or installing all the other apps other than just a few ones which i want to allow

Regarding to ur 3rd point, I told na ;)

3.) Yes! just create following key:


and in right-side pane, create new String value with name like 1 and set its value to the program's exe which u want to be allow to run!

e.g., u want to allow only winamp.exe, wmp.exe, iexplore.exe, etc. then just create String values, like 1, 2, 3, and so on and give each application name as the value ;)
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