Tom Clancy's The Division


Living to Play
You are forgetting one thing . This game is developed by Ubisoft Massive ( remember pc version of far cry 3 , AC revelation and pc exclusive World in conflict) , They always give better pc port , so you can trust them .

I hope you are right. :)


Broken In
You are forgetting one thing . This game is developed by Ubisoft Massive ( remember pc version of far cry 3 , AC revelation and pc exclusive World in conflict) , They always give better pc port , so you can trust them .
Yeah .... Ubisoft has already stated that the Division will not just be a port on PC but will be optimized for PC. With current Battlefield fiasco, it is always better to be late than rushed.


Wise Old Owl
Yeah .... Ubisoft has already stated that the Division will not just be a port on PC but will be optimized for PC. With current Battlefield fiasco, it is always better to be late than rushed.

Better rush before all gets in to bf4!
Btw what are you doing on forums're supposed to cook:p


Hideo Kojima on 'The Division': It's so good, 'it makes me want to quit my job' - Greenville Video Games |


Back to school!!
It Means everyone have to buy games in future,no more Piracy.
Not because of piracy, but because of the pathetic quality of our internet connections, specially latency. I remember the horrible times when I tried to play Borderlands 2 Co-Op with some member of this forum, it was nightmare to get it working, 9/10 times we'd have connection related issues.


Living to Play
First lets see how they have done with Watchdogs. They said that PC version would be awesome, it better be.


Pro/An---tagonist xD
I don't mind the delay if it results in a superbly optimized game with as few issues as possible. And gives me a chance to upgrade my rig too. :D


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