today's date is unique

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Console Junkie
rocket357 said: that something like:

12:34 5/6/78 ?

Tho 20072007 lasts the entire day...the one I mentioned only lasted 1 minute...heh.

^^ Yeah right... look at this then 01:23:45 6/7/89 ... you can make anything like this. So what? (No offense.. just pointing out).


Security freak
aditya.shevade said:
^^ Yeah right... look at this then 01:23:45 6/7/89 ... you can make anything like this. So what? (No offense.. just pointing out).

That was my point. A date is just a bunch of numbers. Human beings can twist the information about however they please to see patterns, but the date is just the date (and honestly, our concept of "date and time" bears no meaning to nature...the earth was spinning around the sun long before we thought up a numbering system to support the concept of "dates" it's all somewhat irrelevant).
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