these topics covered: needs updation

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In the zone
The "these ropics have been covered" has a lot of broken links.It would be great if somebody update these links.
I wantd to find out the best linux distro, free and paid.


Wise Old Owl
The best Linux distro is Suse 10.1. You can download it from
You need to download 5 ISO images and burn in CDs. The commercial version comes with dual layer DVD with some proprietary software. It's available from
Other Linux distros like Mandriva Linux 2006, Fedora Core 5 are also good. Fedora is free. Mandriva Linux has to versions - one is free version (download it from and the commercial version comes with lot of software
that are not free!! Also there is one called Mandriva Linux Power Pack ( 2 DVDs).
It contains lots and lots of software , that you don't need to look elsewhere!!
You can learn about Linux distros at *


FooBar Guy
blackleopard92, that was an oversight on my part. I'll find some time to update those links.

[edit] Can someone help me to find proper links for those useful posts? Please post their links here. Also look out for any other deserving posts that you might find. We'll later lock this topic.
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