This game is really not meant for first person. I can understand exploration but combat will be... NauseatingThe Witcher 3 first-person mod gives gamers a Geralt's-eye view of the world | PC Game
Been playing this game on win10 for quite some time with no-issue. Though there were some bsod issues back then which were resolved on updating my gpu drivers.Started playing after 6 months. They have changed the menu options a lot.
I was too used to the earlier set-up. Taking too long to find potions now.
Crashed twice on Win10. No idea why!
these are included in DLCThere are 6 school of armor, griffin, cat, bear, wolf, manticore and viper
Armor based on your playsttle of course. Sunil likes Griffin, but I find it no good to my play style, looks bad too^^I found keyboard to be best as compared to controller
after the 1.21 update there is a enchantment feature for weapons and armors and also u can add more slots in a weapon.
which is the best School gear technique found ? Feline, Wolf, Griffin, Cat etc
I tried all 3 styles but found Griffin Style and Cat style suited for me.Armor based on your playsttle of course. Sunil likes Griffin, but I find it no good to my play style, looks bad tooso I stick to wolf or cat (more into signs and potion)
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Griffin swords have golden scabbards dude, they are probably the best looking swords in the game, id lick them if I had them lol