The PowerHouse, that is Linux!

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Juke Box Hero
Well needs no intro for people here, but I managed to do something I only dreamed of.

Check the video *

Look at this baby run...:D ( keep an eye on background also..)

Though my rig is by no means average, yet still it amazes me everytime of the efficiency and flexibility of Linux multitasking. And no, this is not any of my own custom built distros which I did from the ground up (..I am not that leet..), it's just Linux Mint. All I did was use Fluxbox and tweak some things here and there.

Truly, Linux has no limits, it's only our brains, and I'm glad I said that :)

MY RIG (just for an idea):
C2D E6600, 2GB 667 RAM, Nvidia Quadro 128 GFX.

EDIT: I forgot to mention one thing, if you're wondering how much is the pressure on my cpu, don't blink, it's just a paltry 55% :D


Amazing! Can u give step by step tutorial on what all u used and how u decorated? And then may be u can attach ur conf files too. :D Lemme check my rig toooo.


Proud to be Linux
my rig too is almost the same config and it too amazes me on multitasking.
it can easily do a 1080p video+firefox+thunderbird+tuxracer.


Juke Box Hero
Yes it's cmatrix, a cli app for the matrix effect, I guess it doesn't even need X to run. It's available in repos else get it from * and all the instructions on using it are there itself.

Yes the video is silent, didn't add any music to keep the file size minimal, as it was already a 170mb upload.

Any terminal can run it in full screen, but aterm runs it the best, with minimum memory/cpu usage while gnome-terminal is the highest resource hog.

For it to appear like mine, you have to use Fluxbox, where it allows to hide the window border by assigning a key combo to it. This should be edited in ~/.fluxbox/keys , where Mod1 means 'Alt' and the command is ToggleDecor.

So for eg.,

Mod1 t :ToggleDecor

Now the window border is toggled on and off when you press Alt+t key combo. What I did was make Fluxbox remember the layer (Desktop) and size (maximized) of the terminal window by right click > Remember. Then I put it to auto launch in my /etc/profile as

aterm -tr +sb -e cmatrix &
(...-tr and +sb are parameters for aterm to be transparent and remove the scroll bar..)

I only thing I've to do here is toggle the Decor off everytime I start it. Earlier versions of Fluxbox remembered this too IIRC, but not this version.(
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