I want compact phone
especially 4.5 to 4.7 inch with quality HD Display.
Battery Backup is also important aspect. Do not want to carry a brick in my pocket anymore.
My zenfone 5 is almost as huge as any 6 inch phablet.
I guess all Zenfone 2 are 5.5 inch at present so I believe it will be similar to my Nexus 7 in dimensions

I'm not an avid android lover but this Mi4i caught my attention. Still unsure to get it or not.
At present I'm using my old
Sony Ericsson Cedar java phone & cannot access net while traveling so pretty fed up & I may even get some 3g tablet to replace my nexus 7 2012 wifi 32 gb if I found any good alternative around 10k
I may even get some cheap 3g phone with WiFi hotspot feature to access net on
Nexus 7 WiFi &
Lenovo Flex10 netbook.