Today will go down as one of the worst days in my life. Just when I thought that I should celebrate the first anniversary of MacBook, my Mac life came to face with a shocker, with my MacBook hard drive crashing!! I can write half a dozen paragraphs describing the pain I went through and what I've lost in my hard drvie, but I will leave that for you people to imagine.
Its very very painful.
While loosing movies (each of size 8GB) is painful but that cannot be compared to loosing the photoboothed photographs of my little niece and infant nephew. Movies can be downloaded again but those precious photos.... My Uncle's (who expired couple of weeks back) last photos were also lost. Like I said I can go on.... about my bookmarks, work files, small text files with wealth of info, Anna Kournikova PSDs and much much more... All gone..
The problem started when Mac OS freezed, I waited for couple of minutes before I pressed the power button to turn off the MacBook, When I turned it back on, I saw a flashing folder like icon with '?' on it. I know its a common problem when Mac OS doesn't find a target disk to boot. I waited long for '?' to disappear but it didn't. I popped in my Leopard DVD so that I could troubleshoot. I selected Disk Utility, tried to verify disk, it failed. I tried to repair disk it failed. I rebooted again couple of times, sometimes I could see my hard drive and sometimes I couldn't. I tried to erase the disk, it failed too after erasing some 50% disk. I couldn't install Mac OS X because the installer couldn't find the target disk to install. I knew I was in serious trouble with my data at risk. I sat down motion less for 45 mins staring at my MacBook and then called my friend who was going to HYD and handed over my MacBook to him. He will take it to iStore tomorrow, lets see what happens. I think my warranty ended this September.
In all probability my harddisk may have gone bad but I don't see any good reason for it to happens. I have taken good care of my MacBook. How much will be a new non apple harddrive and what do you think ??