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The new MacBook!

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 Macboy
Apple officially rapes you when it comes to RAM. Like 10k for 2GB. However, even though upgrading the RAM on the mini is a pain, you can do it. Just google around for a guide and see how that works. However, your local Apple store will also be able to upgrade your RAM for a lesser price than the official price (like 3k). Still higher than the aftermarket price, but at least you don't have to do it yourself.

And there is no need for any Win stuff on the Mac. All the applications are there. And if you have a problem with a particular app, you can run that in Crossover (the wine thing). There's also parallels and Fusion to take care of virtualisation.


You gave been GXified
@ Din

My new job is designing UI & UX for Mac & iPhone.Today I joined the company so I was given a choice of what I want, Mac or PC to work on. iMac looked nice but I wasn't that comfortable with Mac OS X, besides 3ds Max isn't available for Mac. So instead I opted for an iMac with Boot Camp & installed own Vista home premium(unactivated) on it. Then I asked for a Logitech MX 518 Mouse & Logitech PC Keyboard. So now this iMac is Apple outside, Microsoft Inside :D

Although they might take it back from me in few days & I will get a brand new workstation. Dell Vostro 200 Mini Tower with Core 2 Duo E7300, Radeon HD 3450 & 3GB RAM with Dell 2009W 20" LCD Monitor & the same Logitech Mouse & keyboard. I m given the iMac just for the time being I think. I m the only guy using Vista there, rest all are either using Mac or Windows XP. is the gr8 thing. Microsoft's recent ads were made on a Mac, while in my company we make applications for iPhone & Mac even on a PC :D.

Fanboyism is limited to this forum only, in real world every one lives in harmony (as long as they are paying nice)


 MacManiac
Today will go down as one of the worst days in my life. Just when I thought that I should celebrate the first anniversary of MacBook, my Mac life came to face with a shocker, with my MacBook hard drive crashing!! I can write half a dozen paragraphs describing the pain I went through and what I've lost in my hard drvie, but I will leave that for you people to imagine.
Its very very painful.

While loosing movies (each of size 8GB) is painful but that cannot be compared to loosing the photoboothed photographs of my little niece and infant nephew. Movies can be downloaded again but those precious photos.... My Uncle's (who expired couple of weeks back) last photos were also lost. Like I said I can go on.... about my bookmarks, work files, small text files with wealth of info, Anna Kournikova PSDs and much much more... All gone..

The problem started when Mac OS freezed, I waited for couple of minutes before I pressed the power button to turn off the MacBook, When I turned it back on, I saw a flashing folder like icon with '?' on it. I know its a common problem when Mac OS doesn't find a target disk to boot. I waited long for '?' to disappear but it didn't. I popped in my Leopard DVD so that I could troubleshoot. I selected Disk Utility, tried to verify disk, it failed. I tried to repair disk it failed. I rebooted again couple of times, sometimes I could see my hard drive and sometimes I couldn't. I tried to erase the disk, it failed too after erasing some 50% disk. I couldn't install Mac OS X because the installer couldn't find the target disk to install. I knew I was in serious trouble with my data at risk. I sat down motion less for 45 mins staring at my MacBook and then called my friend who was going to HYD and handed over my MacBook to him. He will take it to iStore tomorrow, lets see what happens. I think my warranty ended this September.

In all probability my harddisk may have gone bad but I don't see any good reason for it to happens. I have taken good care of my MacBook. How much will be a new non apple harddrive and what do you think ??


 MacManiac
^^^Like I said I was waiting to celebrate my first anniversary of MacBook!! BTW I always use my MacBook by keeping it on my table, never put it on my lap or bed!!


 Macboy
Hard drives are unpredictable. I've had drives crashing on me 3 months after purchase and some lasting for more than 10 years. You have only yourself to blame for not backing up your important data.
When there is a great utility like Time Machine then why not use it?
Now you are left with nothing but regret.Get a good External HDD now and start backing up.


there are softwares and techies to recover data from crashed hard drives(if at all there's slightest of possibility), no?.
don't give up until you try everything (no matter how much it costs you).


 MacManiac
I've had hard drives crashing many times when I was on PC and I've learned to back up long time ago first I used external drives but once I had an external drive crashed too and from then on I used to burn DVDs and preserve them in safety. But, ever since I switched to Mac, thanks to its smooth functioning and cheese butter like interface, I got lazy and I never gave a damn to backups except for those 8GB movies (as they'd eat up space).

I will now take no chances, I am going in for Time Machine backups but first I will have to wait and see what the iStore guys have to say. I plan to buy WD Passport external drive and will be using them for Time Machine.

If the iStore guys give me an option to recover data, I'll definitely go for it even if it costs me around additional 5000/- just to recover data. I pray that I get my data back.

What happens to all the songs that I purchased from iTunes ?? I purchased a lot of audio songs and over a dozen music videos and I didn't care to back them up!! Now what ??
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You can download those songs for free again.Anything you purchase from online stores like Steam,iTunes store can be downloaded unlimited times for free.

A problem here,how to join .avi files in OS X?I tried the quicktime thing but it won't run these files.
Here they are:
<Watch it mister>
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 MacManiac
^^^Did you try VisualHub ?? It joins video files for sure!! In my great old Mac day, that was the first app I'd think of for Video conversion!!

Hold on those kind of files like 001s, first need to be unrared with UnrarX and they are split for ease of uploading. Once you use Unrarx they'll automatically be joined as single .avi file
Thanks!And yea I tried VisualHub and it didn't work.

EDIT:Just because nothing is natively working for me I have to use this stupid and incredibly ugly Windows application.

Click for full size - Uploaded with plasq's Skitch
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 MacManiac
If any SA admins are watching this page now... will you please let me know why my comments aren't appearing in our live blog ??

Still can't see my comments!! Disappointed!!
Anyways I just wanted to say good luck to Milind, Aayush, Ashwin and Preshit.
All the very best guys, hope you do great this time around :)
I am absolutely demoralized as my Mac hard drive can't be repaired and its data can't be recovered at all!!. As a result I am least excited about this notebook event but I wanted to be a part of SA live blog for sometime to support you guys but even that seems to be impossible as I can't see my comments in there :-(
Have a great time boys!!
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The Devil's Advocate
That's because of the crappy lag on the software that's being used. you're not the only one.
People,Wake up!This thread is dying!

A little querry here.My Dad works on iMac but often finds it difficult working with the excel files made in Windows.Everytime he has to use VMware's unity feature to open those files.
Do MS office files created on Windows work on Mac OS X if MS office for Mac is installed?Like XML files and stuff?
If yes then I'm gonna grab my Original copy today itself.
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