pretty weird! the Mac cost me 91200!! howcome Delhi gets 3000 rs less?? Dollarwise, the 24" imac price is around 72-73ks!! we r in variably charged 19000 more

thats bullshit.
The 2.6 20" was 75 smthing n the first one was arnd 60 smthing. heres the interesting part over which i got SO pissed...
I wantd the 3ghz nvidia model. So first i approached the desk people who show the mac at d store. Immediately, that fellow was like, we have just put up the new configs for display n the 3ghz C-T-O model is NOT available for India. i sed wtf..whos d boss here?
Met mr Jagdish the head for d moment, n he gave me d quote.. 1.6(incl VAT) for the 3ghz wid d card n will take 4 weeks for delivery! what crappp.. Plus the dollar price for this one comes about at 83 smthing. I really dont understand, we r being truly overcharged for it. Plus, as far as i know, the nvidia IS an option available for the 2.8 ghz model, but these fellas were like no sir, we ll giv it only on the 3ghz one. Bull ****

. So ultimately had no option but to settle for the 2.8. Still the better. I was initially considering gettin it from the states, but then does the warranty apply internationally??? If yes, will ask someoone to get it from der only. cmon..3ghz for that price is still drooool maal.
The 3ghz is just an overclocked Penryn chip..M damn happy with the 2.8( hardly a BIG difference there). As far as nvidia goes, m sure Apple will incorporate them in d future.
maybe even LED displays r on d way!
regd the headphones...dont try the wireless ones..u do get distortion. Y not invest in a good brand of em..try Bose out. They r really good n for that price its a steal.