The official iPhone thread

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The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
What about the reverse? can iPhone be searched from other devices? ho and can you connect to a mac from bluetooth?


You gave been GXified
hoW and can you connect to a mac from bluetooth?

You can't. iPhone doesn't support OBEX protocol which is the most basic thing of any bluetooth phone because of which it can't transfer files over to other phones. Or maybe it is there, but disabled.

To connect to a computer whether a PC or Mac use the iPhone dock.


The Devil's Advocate
now i would liek to ask every1 whether what we are saying is just jealousy because these guys did/can/could not buy Apple products for whatever reason! or the products are really overpriced and not upto the mark :roll:


Hanging, since 2004..
charangk said:
thats enough for me , may be if my brother is also in the same place he might take a video shot of that in his 6000 bucks Samsung E250 phone.

E250 is nice value for money , i am using it with 1gig of micro sd.


You gave been GXified
Faraaz, iPhone is 5 years ahead of the time according to Apple. :D. 5 years from now you won't send someone standing next to u a file via bluetooth, you will mail him, then he will check the mail on his phone to download that File :D

Apple : Always innovating useless ways to waste technology.

I wonder, why is bluetooth given if it is only for the handsfree. Besides, you can always add these features to iPhone. Either install Linux on it or hack the firmware or simply Pay Apple $100 for iPhone OS X 10.6 which they will release, enabling video recording & JAVA. :D


You gave been GXified
aryayush said:
The last person who should be talking about overpriced software is a Windows user.
Nah, actually it should be the Multimedia Authers who buy 3Ds Max for $3500 or Final Cut Pro for $500 if you are buying it run on Mac :D

Just an eye opener arya.

Windows XP Pro released in 2001 = $300.
Mac OS X 10.0 released in 2001 = $130
10.1 = free
10.2 = $130
10.3 = $130
10.4 = $130

Yeah, Charging for service packs in indeed cheeper then charging once for an OS & then providing free service packs. Besides, to run Mac OS X u need a Mac, so another sales of Mac for Apple. On the other hand, Windows users can run XP on pentirum 3 500 MHz too...

The TCO of Windows is much cheeper then that of Mac.

Anyway, back to topic. Arya, do u justify if Apple charges $100 to enable those features in iPhone which should have been there from Day 1? Assuming that Apple will charge for it.


The Devil's Advocate
did i read some 1 saying that windows or MS softwares are over priced :roll: o! well i guess all this is just jealousy because these guys did/can/could not buy MS products for whatever reason!


You gave been GXified
iMav said:
did i read some 1 saying that windows or MS softwares are over priced :roll: o! well i guess all this is just jealousy because these guys did/can/could not buy MS products for whatever reason!

:ROFL:....this boy can buy a Rs 1.5 lakh Macbook Pro which should cost Rs 90,000 only but can't buy Vista Home premium legal for Rs 10.5 so pirating it.

Isn't it Arya, if Windows is sooo bad then why r u using it on your Mac in Parallels or Bootcamp? Assuming that u r using it.

Comon, show some salesmanship, & convince your relatives & friends to switch to a Mac. To hell with there existing softwares, run them via crossover or parallels. Tell them the TCO of Mac is less then PC, but u can't upgrade anything. Get them an iMac or Mac Mini, then only u will be called "A true Apple Salesmen"


Aspiring Novelist
gx_saurav said:
Arya, do u justify if Apple charges $100 to enable those features in iPhone which should have been there from Day 1? Assuming that Apple will charge for it.
Oh, and why should we assume that? Just because you are saying it?

gx_saurav said:
Isn't it Arya, if Windows is sooo bad then why r u using it on your Mac in Parallels or Bootcamp? Assuming that u r using it.
Using it? I never use it.

Vista is there because I installed it once a long while ago and it isn't hurting me by being there. Plus, it has an added benefit - if someone uses my Mac without my permission, they'll have no way to access Mac OS X and will be stuck with the crap that is Windows. They day I run out of storage space on my machine, Vista will be bidding me a long goodbye.

XP is there for two reasons.
1. The concept of virtualisation excites me. I keep a copy of Parallels with Windows around to try out all the latest and greatest features of the application whenever a new version is released.
2. Living in a Windows world, it so happens that you sometimes run into things that only run on Windows (especially in India) and having a copy of Windows around really helps. For example: the Digit DVDs.

My current uptime is 35 days, 23 hours and 13 minutes and I last used Parallels Desktop the day the latest version was released. You can see how often I use Windows. :lol:
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So finally there is a flaw in the iphone.

Certainly not as trivial as many Apple backers suggested. The security company Independent Security Evaluators announced that it had found a way to take over an iPhone by injecting a bit of code through its web browser, causing a "buffer overflow" - which is like a river overflow, but with bits, not water - and thus persuaded it to hand over its recent text messages, Google Maps visits, addresses and phone numbers, and even secretly turn on its microphone so it could act as a bug.

Check this link



Hanging, since 2004..
girish_AMD said:
So finally there is a flaw in the iphone.

Ha ha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahaaaaa.


Ha ha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahaaaaa.


Aspiring Novelist
iPhone “a Joy to Use”

“After more than a week of using it—as my only personal phone—I’m still gushing,” reports Stephanie Angelyn Casola ( of her new iPhone. It provided “the most painless set-up for a new cell phone I’ve ever experienced.” Casola explains that she easily assigned “pictures to my contacts. Then, when someone calls, I can see instantly who it is.” “The ease with which this is accomplished makes it easy to see why iPhone is so revolutionary. It’s not just the combination of uses, it’s the way Apple has managed to make this device so very simple.”


Here's a link to a page that collates a lot of iPhone resources from around the web.


The Devil's Advocate
another link :lol: arya ur author dude authors dont copy paste stuff they write thier own ;) grow up


Wire muncher!
dunno whats pushing me to reply to that article (mebbe is the americans' stupidity, whatever...) but, somethings i'd like to quote:

ayush said:
It provided “the most painless set-up for a new cell phone I’ve ever experienced.” Casola explains that she easily assigned “pictures to my contacts. Then, when someone calls, I can see instantly who it is.” “The ease with which this is accomplished makes it easy to see why iPhone is so revolutionary. It’s not just the combination of uses, it’s the way Apple has managed to make this device so very simple.”
wow!! i never knew u cud keep the iphone in front of you, hold the person's printed photo in ur hand and say "hey mr.iphone i want this photo to be assigned to" and voila! its done!! revolutionary bro... thats really revolutionary!!!

bah, i do it in 2-3 keypress. goto the contact, options>set contact pic and select. or goto the pic > options > assign to contact and select. thats it! and his is my plain old cellphone. but iphones is really creating a revolution in how you go about ur routine tasks! kudos!!! :rolleyes:

Stephanie Angelyn Casola said:
I am even able to save $10 a month after switching to a new iPhone service plan.

then she says:
Stephanie Angelyn Casola said:
After more than a week of using it - as my only personal phone - I'm still gushing.
iphone was released i guess on 29th june (rite?), its still not a month. i fail to understand the calculation!

Stephanie Angelyn Casola said:
This might have been the most painless set-up for a new cell phone I've ever experienced. There's no SIM card to replace, no need to manually input any contacts. Just be sure your computer address book is up to date.
damn! this is simplicity at its best!!! that toooooooo good! :rolleyes: u know what i did when i got a new connection? i waited in the queue for a day, then got the sim card and phone. went to hutch, they embedded my identity thru biometry on the sim. then i had to wash the sim clean coz it had gone all thru this, dried it. then put some arctic silver on it to improve its conductivity then washed my new cellphone, dried and cleaned it, went to the service center to get the back cover opened. he charged me rs.1k to do that and said u can't open the cover urself. then put more arctic silver on the fbus contacts. then put the sim card in. put everything back. then connected the phone to the computer, flashed its firmware so that it becomes compatible wid the sim card and then finally i was able to use it. my phone din even let me transfer the contacts and msgs stored in my computer. it said "you fool, this feature is exclusive of the iphone. go buy one if u wanna do that". i had to manually key in all the contacts :(

look at the iphone! good god! iphone is so simple!!! :D

Stephanie Angelyn Casola said:
The true test of my iPhone came July 12 as I boarded my flight for a long weekend in Los Angeles. Instead of loading my digital camera, iPod and cell (and all of their respective chargers) into my carry-on as usual, I popped iPhone into my purse and was ready to fly.....

......By switching the device into Airplane Mode, my phone and Internet connections were disabled, so I wasn’t breaking any laws.
great! an all in one device :) i never knew it. till now i carry my good old cellphone (which is useful for nothing but calls), my big yashica camera, 10 rolls of the photographic film, and my tape recorder to listen to music during a flight. you know why? coz once i switched on my walkman phone in flight mode to listen to music and watch videos. but the crew got me off flight and i was jailed for 3 years for breaking the law :(! this iphone is amazing! :)

Stephanie Angelyn Casola said:
While in L.A., my iPhone proved to be well worth the high expense. Wherever I went, I had the Internet at my fingertips. I could obsessively check my e-mail anytime I pleased, and the day’s weather was just a peek away.
awesome! the iphone has internet too :) look at me.. everytime i hafta check out the weather, i goto the nearest internet parlour and logon to weather info site.

iphone is a clear winner! i will surely buy one when its released here, so that i can throw away my walkman phone, my yashica analog camera, film rolls, battries, tape recorder and everything and then i can see the photo of the person calling (i never knew u cud actually see the photo of the person calling on the phone screen :) ) i can't wait to buy this out of the world product :) kudos to iphone :)

ps: idiot americans! guess they haf a lower iq than the most stupid creature in this universe!!!! somebody plz ask that stupid female to read my reply.
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The Devil's Advocate
infra dont hurt the salesman's sentiments ... :lol: i have been reading such non-snese stupidity on this forum since the day i joined thinkdigit forum ;)


Wire muncher!
@imav, my reply is directed to the author of that article. the most retard female on this earth!. i will email this post of mine to her. i'll surely do that!
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