Truth Seeker
Did anyone install Windows 8.1 on their y500
Did anyone install Windows 8.1 on their y500
Not me. Waiting for lenovo to fix the sli issues before updating.
I'm unable to update, don't know why........ My downloading is complete, i guess...... When in store it shows Checking Compatibility, after that an error comes that update failed
Check my post here
Did anyone install Windows 8.1 on their y500
So with single gpu is it safe to update!?
Yes, writing from the same.
ShadowPlay on Y500 Single 750M
Quite a bliss!
Yes you can extend the warranty from here, all you need is to purchase it online at Lenovo USA website.
Mind that they dont offer ADP outside purchase country. I went for 2yr depot warranty.
Hey Guys,
Can Anybody tell me, which store/stores sell the Y500 at Nehru Place, Delhi or other parts of Delhi.
Need the info urgently as I am buying next week, also is the touchpad issue still persisting with the newer Y500's ?
I updated to 8.1 and now my two-finger tap to right click doesn't work anymore..I can two-finger 'click' for a right click but it doesn't work when I tap. I tried the drivers from lenovo support site and the synaptics site. What do I do to get it back? All the other gestures work fine.
never mind, found a solution :
In regedit, go to "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Synaptics\SynTP\TouchPadPS2" and keep the value of 2fingertap as 2.
Any driver issues?
Good to see that this thread still has got some life in it, with the Y510p doing so well and all that...
Anyway, just wanted to let you guys know that I have been on 8.1 for a couple of weeks and haven't faced any problem... Don't know about the touch pad issue as I don't use it...![]()
Any driver issues?
No problems at all on 8.1. Updated as soon as lenovo released bios update to enable second gpu. Tan through a few hiccups in the beginning. Like secure boot disabled and slow mouse movement. But fixed both after some research. The only problem I face is geforce experience reporting incorrect resolution. (doesn't affect performance.. Still...)
Any fix?
Right click desktop. Personalize - Display - Change text size to 100%. Log off and back in. Now open up GeForce experience and check your rig tab. Your current resolution will now be accurate. I'm a wizard. This is just a little bug. The last GeForce experience driver had an issue were pc stream to the Nvidia shield would not work if you had your text size set to anything above 100%. Nvidia obviously fixed this bug in 1.7 but as a result this little bug occurred. Always some weird issues happening in the wonderful complex world of pc gaming!
Here's your fix.
-Source: Internet