Oh! & DX is dead, next up is a tottly new thing XNA
Dude, XNA is a unified development platform like Visual Studio, specifically meant for XBox 2, not a graphics API.
Windows Graphics Foundation (or WGF 1.0) is the new standard, equivalent of DirectX (it was formerly called DX9L). The DirectX Next specifications will be used for WGF 2.0, so DirectX isn't dead. OpenGL has been dead for some while now since it hasn't seen ny revolutionary developments like DirectX has.
Also OpenGL 2.0 has full support for everything DX can do in Shader Model 3.0, even U can make shaders in OpenGL just like U can in DX, so which do U thin is better, DX which runs on Windows Only, or OpenGL which runs on everything, even mobile, and do the same things with OpenGL as U do with DX
The only thing is that most IHVs don't support proper ARB extensions necessary to exploit this. Most credit goes to your favorite nVIDIA

Oh! every one is not a geek like U, hell, even I m not a coder
Firstly, I ain't no geek you SOB. No need to get personal. And what the hell was that about you knowing OpenGL coding? Were you **** everyone then? Biting back on your own words, huh? I guess it happens to people when they haven't been laid for a while

JC next engine will be DX, biggest Joke of Century, where U get that from
In case you didn't know, JC's been attending DirectX seminars because he's tired of the way the IHVs have completely destroyed OpenGL with vendor specific extensions. He said that he would gladly move over to DirectX if the IHVs don't get their act together.
XBOX 2 DX 9, no it will use XNA 1.0 , now what do U say, if DX is that good then Y MS is changing the whole code
Again, XNA is a development tool, not an API. What you say there is just about as dumb as asking why the vendors and the ARB commity add new extensions

! Unfortunately for you, Microsoft is keeping the structure of WGF very similar to DirectX.
Ah! Mac UI, so much better the Windows XP with anything , again OpenGL
That's a matter of personal taste. So what's your point?
Oh! I just remember, Doom3, OpenGL, is coming for XBOX, now tell me, how can XBOX run OpenGL when it can only run DX
The XBox port of Doom 3 will use Direct3D. In case you didn't know, the XBox doesn't and cannot support OpenGL.
And for the last time, XNA is a development platform, not a graphics API. Finally, get your facts straight, buddy.