Gary Neville should not be given any more chance, simply he is of no use because of his injury and age. I don't know why he was chosen as the club captain in the 1st place?
yea neville is well past his age and ability,he just cant match up to the speed of the PL. but since O'Shea and Rafael are injured,maybe Fergie has no other option. De Laet is still too young to be a first teamer and fabio aint a RB.
Fergie need to give the hair-dryer treatment to Carrick. Just how long will he hide and other would carry him?
Imo,carrick is great when the situation is favouring the team.But he has stepped up when needed,as in the Wolfsburg match,so it would be nice to see more of him in tense situations.Besides he too picks up his form post-Christmas.So we need to have faith in him,and while he's gearing up,its nice to see Scholesy and Fletcher playing well.Hargreaves returning will be a bonus too.Hopefully he can chip in a few assists and contribute to the defence as well.
I never use to like Evra since the departure of Heinze, as i have never been convinced about his defensive capabilities. But he has won me over and really proved that he, along with Rooney, never have a bad game.
True.And Evra>>>>Heinze when it comes to going forward and dynamic presence on the field.Heinze was a LB,Evra has matured into a proper FB.
Many positives to be taken from the match including Rooney's hunger for goals and Valencia's sudden bursts of speed,well he runs faster than Messi sometimes

. Defence needs to be tightened still though.
Posted again:
If they start giving these as spotkicks, u would have like 5 penaltys in each match,
BTW whats this

i think i mix-n-matched

typoed there dude