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Which is the team you HATE the most

  • Chelsea

  • Manchester United

  • Barcelona

  • Arsenal

  • Real Madrid

  • A.C. Milan

  • Liverpool

  • Manchester City

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This isnt the end of the world.We played with out Terry,Alex,Essien n lamps.We will be back strongly and we are still on top.


Super Moderator
Staff member

I say, "BOOOOOOOOOMCHIKAWAWA Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooomchikawawa"


Super Moderator
Staff member
and it could have been worse...

there was a really pathetic challenge by Ivanovic deserving of a red.


Haha...United draw,City draw,Pools lost what a perfect weekend this is turning out to be.Arsenal draw/loss would be icing on cake :-D


Tables turned on Mr. ajai5777. What a weekend for Arsenal. Sitting within 2 points of Chelsea now with a victory in a tough away fixture. :)


Super Moderator
Staff member
This is the problem with Chelsea. No depth in their squad.
They have more depth than Man Utd and Arsenal combined. Get real.

You people are the biggest chokers no big deal.Only threat is United.
You believe in history?? :cool: I actually don't.

Just for the fact, you ended up making an idiot of yourself yesterday. So, stop crying and avoid predicting things atleast for a few days. You'll feel better.
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Super Moderator
Staff member
They have no decent player beyond their first 18.
Like Man Utd and Arsenal have? Get real mate. Problematic players even get into even our starting 11.

-------------- Cech --------------
Ivanovic -- Alex -- Terry -- Cashley
------------- Obi ----------- || --
------ Essien -- ======= --- ||
----------- Lampard----- Malouda
------- Anelka ----- Drogba ------

------------ Hilarious ------------
Bosgw - Ferira - van Anholt - Zirkov
------ McEachran - Ramires -- || -
----- Kalou ------ Benayoun ====
----------- Sturridge -- lol ------

Two CBs and one decent back-up striker needed. Although their Fullback depth is the best in the league and they actually defend.

Edit: I can balance out both the teams easily if I want, but I haven't done that. Just wanted to show you what a full strength Chelsea looks like.

Ishu Gupta

Manchester United
Van Anholt and Mceachran are like Gibson and Smalling. Prospects.
Don't count them.

Chelsea has not won against most decent teams.

And Man Utd

DR - Rafael, Brown, JOS
DC - Vidic, Rio, Evans
DL - Evra, JOS
MC - Fletch, Scholes, Carrick, Ando, Harg (If he comes back)
W - Valencia, Nani, Giggs, Park
ST - Roo, Berbs, Chicha, Macheda, Welback
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