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Which is the team you HATE the most

  • Chelsea

  • Manchester United

  • Barcelona

  • Arsenal

  • Real Madrid

  • A.C. Milan

  • Liverpool

  • Manchester City

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Manchester United
Nice start to the season. A winning start is always great. Although I think we could have won 3-0, had not Fletcher and Owen missed two sitters.

BTW, the 1st goal scored by Tottenumb against Pool was a screamer, a great goal.

Here is the reply to the retard who said that Fabregas is a cvnt. :|

a even bigger retard, a gooner as a matter of fact started the rubbish. and on the same subject




there are two sides to every coin. just because it suits your argument doesnt mean the other side doesnt exist. you got offended by my comment. so did i by that idiot. you should be able to take banter if you start it. grow some balls for christ's sake
Posted again:
regarding the match, we should have scored 3 with owen and fletcher missing sitters. berba should have had a penalty when he was fouled in the box. good performance seeing that almost our whole defence was out.

as for pool agent keane was at work again by missing sitters but carragher more than made up for it :p. and yeah that voronin one was a penalty
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I think I touched a raw nerve there,heh.You can't really make a post without calling a fellow poster idiot or something,can you?
You are the one who needs to grow a pair,keyboard warrior.

credit where its due. :p seriously i you start banter you should have the balls to face it or else dont start it at all :)
Posted again:
I think I touched a raw nerve there,heh.You can't really make a post without calling a fellow poster idiot or something,can you?
You are the one who needs to grow a pair,keyboard warrior.

credit where its due. :p seriously if you start banter you should have the balls to face it or else dont start it at all :) and regarding the keyboard warrior thing, are you any better ?? i would say you are worse.
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Human Spambot
credit where its due. :p seriously if you start banter you should have the balls to face it or else dont start it at all :) and regarding the keyboard warrior thing, are you any better ?? i would say you are worse.
You talk about having balls to face the banter when you get "offended" and resort to personal attacks all the time.:rolleyes:

Damn,next round of football please.


Human Spambot
a even bigger retard, a gooner as a matter of fact started the rubbish. and on the same subject

you got offended by my comment. so did i by that idiot.

If you think its not personal then fine,good for you,but I find it so.
and please stop telling people to grow a pair or grow up in every post of yours.Your posts are not very mature either, are they?

rafa benitez at it again. jeez the spainsh potato head waiter :|
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Clean Sheet is unlikely as we do suffer from complacency disease. I would cross my fingers and say that a 2-1 in our favour would be great. Honestly I think it will mostly be a draw as Wenga will try and play it safe @ away fixture.
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