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Which is the team you HATE the most

  • Chelsea

  • Manchester United

  • Barcelona

  • Arsenal

  • Real Madrid

  • A.C. Milan

  • Liverpool

  • Manchester City

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Human Spambot
Too bad we can't call him from Milan or even Traore from Pompey,we are desperate for some defenders atm.Even Senderos is more reliable than tweety as CB.


ok wat do you think about tomorrow's encounter FA Cup chelsea vs arsenal ??


Human Spambot
To be honest-Afraid of Dogba and Lampard ripping apart the 3rd choice defense :|
but we are The Arsenal,Arsenal FC,by far the greatest team the world has ever seen :))


Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
ok wat do you think about tomorrow's encounter FA Cup chelsea vs arsenal ??

Chelsea are strong favourites particularly since they would be buoyed after the CL encounter and the fact that Arsenal have lost too many players due to injuries but you can never underestimate Arsenal. I hope Arsenal go through.


/*ah feels so good to be back online*/

Yay ! united got through...phewwwww !

and if Arsenal and Man U go through to the FA finals, then it would mean too many Arsenal - Man U matches in the months ahead...[2 CL ties, 1 PL, 1 FA final]


Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
I hope it isn't a ManUre V Arsenal final. The last time that final occurred (in 2005), it was probably the MOST boring football game I ever watched. :|


Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
^ ^ ^
I know.:-D

But for a Cup final particualrly between top sides there are huge expectations, particularly when those two team palyed in such a classic FA Cup SF in 1999.


Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
Bad. :(
The Champions League rather helped us to gain upper hand throughout this season. For instance our great form began with the thumping of Real Madrid in Round of 16.
But then maybe since we are playing lesser games than ManU and Chelsea, with their engagements in the CL, ManU might just get distracted and we may just capitalize on that.
After all each of the six matches in the PL is do or die for our season now.


^ eh whats your priority ? The PL or the CL

i know all big teams will want to win lots of silverware but they do have a soft corner for that elusive piece of silverware ... Eg : Roman would prefer his CFC to win the CL so much more than his team winning the PL

so what would you lot weigh more ? the PL or the CL ?

from what I've observed, Pool might prefer to win the PL .. so with them out of the CL it should be good news as there will be those many less games to play and gives them that much more time to heal some injuries etc..


Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
If there is one trophy we have to choose winning, it has to be the Premiership title. It has proved elusive for 19 long years now and the fact that ManU are right on track to equal our 18 league title record, even more compounds our desire to win the PL.
Well maybe just maybe exiting from CL will help. I guess Benitez will not have to take off Torres or Gerrard early in the game. :))
I guess ManU are playing minimum 10 games (maximum 12) and we are playing only 6, so well that can be helpful...


Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
StevieG set to miss Arsenal tie: :(

Well I guess it's all upto Alonso to take the responsibility.

Now look who's cracking up: :lol:


Broken In
Abidal glad to be back

Last Saturday he was given the green light from Club doctors to return to action after a month and a half injury layoff. Three days later he played the 90 minutes of the CL match against Bayern Munich. A great way to build confidence.

Posted again:
FC Barcelona have played the most games in the Spanish top flight this season as they have continued to pursue their ambition of winning a unique treble.

What could appear to be a huge obstacle though, has only added to the sense of achievement at the club as the team have maintained their form as the league’s best side by using no less tan 25 players, 19 of whom have played 1,300 minutes.

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^Dont disturb Anurag as he is taking cooking classes :D and has promised to cook khayali pulao to all non-kop fans.

Cool Joe

The Black Waltz
Now look who's cracking up: :lol:
Well, Benitez DID make a gesture and it looked like he was saying that Blackburn's game was over. It was almost as if Benitez were saying- "Pwned! Game over!".


Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
Well, Benitez DID make a gesture and it looked like he was saying that Blackburn's game was over. It was almost as if Benitez were saying- "Pwned! Game over!".
No The gesture didn't mean to meant that it meant:

Benítez instructed Alonso and Emiliano Insúa to take a short free-kick and attack the Blackburn full-back, Keith Andrews, two versus one. Instead, Alonso whipped in a long ball that Fernando Torres headed beyond Paul Robinson and the Liverpool manager responded with a gesture to his players that apparently loosely translated as: "You were right. What do I know?"

Look at the clip again. Benitez was smiling. How could that smile mean as gesture of PWNing Sam. :?

And why Sam would make much of this one week after the incident? And why all of the sudden Funguson comes out and them bring out Benitez old quote of calling "Everton a small club". :|
Posted again:
^Dont disturb Anurag as he is taking cooking classes :D and has promised to cook khayali pulao to all non-kop fans.
Tu phir shuru ho gaya...:lol:
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^The gesture was lame but these managers(Big Sam & Sir Alex) are making too much noise with it.
But one has to consider that it was too early to say the match is over. Benitez is a chicken who always think about the next match. Nobody can change him.

Cool Joe

The Black Waltz
I don't know for sure what he meant by that gesture, so I won't comment any further. I think Ferguson is just playing some mind games with Benitez, using Allardyce.
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