The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim


Chosen of the Omnissiah
I've got a problem with Dawnguard,The quest "Chasing Echoes" is not triggering even after i talk to Serana

Note:- no mods installed.

Just save,exit the game and load the game again or try doing any other quest and come later to talk to serana. I tried these when I also got the same problem. It worked for me though....


Chosen of the Omnissiah
Save when? After Talking to Moth Priest(Dexion)?

When you are talking with Serana or the moth priest, you will be in the Fort Dawnguard right. Save in the fort even before talking with the moth priest or after talking to Serana and load from it or do a small side quest and later on come to Fort Dawnguard and resume your quest. In the game I preferred not to become a vampire.
Side Note: Even after completing the Dawnguard Quest you will be left with Serana as your companion and even then you can become a vampire just by talking to her and letting her turn into a vampire. its your choice though...


Living to Play
Well I am not a big fan either but I do have to admit that game is darn good and gives more than value for your money.


Actually no, Skyrim was a massively stripped down version of Morrowind.. If you have played Morrowind, you will know the world "felt" much much more detailed than skyrim


Living to Play
Actually no, Skyrim was a massively stripped down version of Morrowind.. If you have played Morrowind, you will know the world "felt" much much more detailed than skyrim

Yeah I have played that as well but you have to admit that not many games of this age are as good as Skyrim. if you talk about good ol games then we used to have plethora of real nice games back then but with time the quality has been degraded and not just for this series but every series I recall. Look aat Bioware's list of games and other RPG developers. All of them created great games back then and now they are just trying to get as much money as they can. But still Skyrim is good enough for me for this time of gaming. Also with so many mods of the games, it looked like paradise and all so can't really complain much about it.


I was talking about Elder Scrolls III, :D..
That was the shiz back then dude.. You should really try it.. ANY elder scrolls fan should try it
Morrowind 2013 looks almost better than SKYRIM :p
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