Well lets see what will I choose male or female. I have actually never played as a female in any game at all. Nut in this game females are so beautiful after the MODs of course. If a male face will impress me enough then I'll be male or Female.
Created a Male Nord. Damn the females are so sexy but some reasons I didn't chose them.
Installed nearly 35 mods including 2K textures and its working for now, lets see what happens next however the brightness has been lowered and sometimes everything looks kinda dark but a little tweak did the job.
I accidently installed a nude mod for females and damn after so many mods for body and all they look sexy. Had to modify the mod though so that they will wear undies when I strip off all the equipment from them.

Anyway loving the game, getting a stable 60 FPS with all settings at highest including the AA. Have to do a little tweaking for micro stuttering though but I'll get it to my liking real soon.
Big thanks to Piyush for compelling me to play the game and also for recommending such awesome and sexy
