The effect the games have on todays Generation??????

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Hey i dont want to sound rude or offensive to the PRO gamers :roll: but GROW UP PEOPLE.Games r supposed to be 4 kids,generally anyone who has reached the age of 18 r considered adults.But when i see adults playing games in front of their computer,or an XBox,or even PS2 for that matter ,it just creeps me out.All the games r full of offensive content,foul language & some even contain nudity,4 example Shooting games r all the same just carry a gun shoot hundreds of bad/good guys,monsters,ET,zombies the list goes on and on......and to top it off the hero talks in foul language.I mean what were the creators of the game thinking???Do they think cursing is cool.Racing games r just going around in circles,it makes no sense whatsoever ,what? u do all that just to win a virtual cup,Big Deal and don't get me started on Stratagy games or Fighting games these r all about war and violence ,for god sakes one President Bush is enough imagine thousands of kids wanting to be like him after playing these games.For cryi'n out loud the colour of blood is red even,r the creaters of the game so naive.Dont they get that there r going to be thousands of Kids playing these games.This is a gross example of what the gaming industry is doing to the people of this generation.Just brainwashing them.These kind of games have an impact on the kids maybe negative or maybe positive.This is not the kind of environment we want our kids to grow.Do we?
Anyway i dont want to be a party pooper i just want to make something clear stop wasting ur money and time on games.Maybe it is ur money or ur parents money.But someone worked hard to earn it.Use it for something useful 4example ur education or put it in a savings bond.
I said before games r 4 kids but if these r the games the gaming industry has to offer then i dont think any responsible parent would want his/her child to play them.


Hanging, since 2004..
Why always everyone has to blame games, why not movies. movies have similar stuff too, can u stop ur kids(if u have) from watching news channels ,news shows all kind of things happening around, murders, wars, drugs, dead corpses, blood ,prostitutes everything else which is mature. Even in cartoons/animations there is violence and blood (yes blood i watch animated serials on tv so i know).
kids are growing up in the time of osama/saddam/bush so u cant prevent them from such stuff weather it is coming from games/movies/television/newspapers.

so next time u blame games u are blaming every kind of media present and blaming the world u r living in, we know this stuff is not good for kids but nothing we can do . at least don't blame games. and for ur info games are carefully categorized giving them rating as mature/teen etc according to the content in the game. so next time u buy a game for ur kid plz carefully see the rating ESRB has given to the game.


Broken In
But in games it is a little different.The persons playing the game have control of the movement of the charector in the game like shooting or killing people.In films all they do is sit and watch it.


Hanging, since 2004..
okay if u think so then let ur kid play a cricket game , who knows may be he will be the next sachin or lara .
if playing a violent game can make a kid violent then playing a basketball/cricket video game can make him a good sportsperson... what's the need of real physical/practical practice.


In the zone
Its really silly of you to think like this. So many people earn their living by gaming. Its bigger than Hollywood itself. Which itself has a lot of nudity,violence and the stuff. By the way if your system is up to the mark play some really engaging games like FIFA, NFSU2 Doom3 and of course HL2. It'll change the way you look at games


In the zone
:lol: You talk about game are meant only for kids. Mate some games have a user rating of 18+, what then? Games are a medium of entertainment, and everyone can have a bit of entertainment. Age has nothing to do with it. It is as simple as that. :lol:


Broken In
First of all there is no conclusive study relating games to violent behaviour.
I think a federal study was done in the US and if I remember correctly movies were found more likely to cause such behaviour. Truth is, games are only interactive experiences, they don't impose any ideas on you. Take the case of Postal or Carmageddon which are probably the worst offenders, nothing stops you from completing the missions peacefully. Even in Doom3 you can just hang out at the base all day:) You see its not a violent game as such, the violence comes from the player. As far as I know the only shooting which was related to gaming was the Columbine incident where one of the killers used a modified Doom level as practice.
Foul language is a part of modern society (you wouldn't believe the things I've heared from the mouths of 7yr olds). It's a sad truth but most kids pick up such language from schools/friends. You can't lock your kids in the basement forever, sooner or later they will know. As for nudity in games frankly I think its overrated. I've yet to get a boner from the digitised Lara Croft, Angelina J on the other hand..........must..take..quick..break......

Further I really don't think hardcore gamers reallly focus on the blood and gore factor. Sure it's cool to see the red pixels with nice reflective maps (henceforth refered to as RPWNRM) oozing out of an exploding texture that appears to be a Zombie's head(henceforth refered to as ETTATBAZH). It makes everything seem consistent with the reality that we see, but after the initial wow factor it takes a backseat. Game publishers repeat after me "No game can sell without good gameplay, no matter how violent."

As for your "Games r supposed to be 4 kids" . Sez who? Seriously who told you that?
Most games have mature themes which I'm not sure are meant for kids.
Even Nintendo which used to be considered a kiddie games mfg are trying to tap the potentially huge market of their old customers who used to play mario and are now adults (earning a lot bread & buying PS2's and Xbox's). I think most people are confused about the animated images in games and compare them with cartoons. Let me make things clear for you. The reason why it appears like a cartoon is because the Athlon64 and the 6800Ultra suck!!! It's a technological limitation. Gamers like their RPWNRMs and ETTATBAZHs as lifelike as possible whereas kids (and cartoonists) prefer the hand drawn exaggerated animations which can convey more emotions.

*Loud Booming Voice from the sky*

And don't worry about the money factor. Games don't cost a lot especially in India where the companies help in promoting the IT industry by introducing "educational" freely downloadable versions (just got the "educational" version of Doom3 for Rs40/-. Cheap at twice the price:)

If you really want someone to blame, blame the movies, news or even the internet, not a bunch of poor game developers looking for a quick buck to help them get off the streets and buy those blankets to replace those old ones they picked from the dumpster.

But most of all do your research.

Personally I don't have a strong opinion on the ESRB ratings since I don't have kids (and nor do I plan to anytime soon, I heard it's real messy) Seriously though I am in favour of a strict rating system as well as a mandatory parental violence lock feature in all such games.


Broken In
One can claim that games induce voilent behaviour and one can claim that they do not. The truth is somewhere in between. While killing creatures in games may not lead to a kid taking a gun and killing people, it does make one accustomed to voilence. It makes it remote, matter of fact, unemotional, cold blooded. In essence, it does lower the barriers to a voilent act somewhat.
rbk said:
Truth is, games are only interactive experiences, they don't impose any ideas on you. Take the case of Postal or Carmageddon which are probably the worst offenders, nothing stops you from completing the missions peacefully.
Intutively, one would expect that interactive experiences will have a worse effect than passive experiences (such as in a movie). Since the player is 'living it'. But on the other hand, the player knows that it is a game, and so the impact may be lessened considerably, but the potential is there.

Even in Doom3 you can just hang out at the base all day:) You see its not a violent game as such, the violence comes from the player.

Precisely the reason why FPS gaming tends to reduce the threshold to voilence - the player has previous experience with voilence. Whether or not movies have a worse effect is irrelevant - the issue is whether games do have such an effect.

Further I really don't think hardcore gamers reallly focus on the blood and gore factor. Sure it's cool to see the red pixels with nice reflective maps (henceforth refered to as RPWNRM) oozing out of an exploding texture that appears to be a Zombie's head(henceforth refered to as ETTATBAZH). It makes everything seem consistent with the reality that we see, but after the initial wow factor it takes a backseat. Game publishers repeat after me "No game can sell without good gameplay, no matter how violent."

Some game designers think that adding more blood and gore to a game makes it better. Remember the level in Doom 3 where the floor, the wall, everything is covered in blood (Red pixels)? It was a sickening sight. Hardly a wow factor.

Gamers/Game designers may claim that games do not cause voilent behaviour - but no one knows for sure. But until the day we know for sure, is it not a good idea to have voilence in moderation? Even game designers have a responsibility to the society they live in, and to the kids who will play their games. It is good to make a fast buck, but not over someone's dead body.




See, the gaming industry is all about creativity. It cannot be said that games are meant only for kids. You talk of blood violence , gore and foul language. But think about the positive side. Not all games are of this type. You say that strategy games are all about war, then I would ask you that have you ever played age of empires or caesar III or any such type of game which teach you to construct and maintain. These games build administrative skills in you. And even if you talk of RPGs in which our player moves with a gun in hand, doesnt it entertain you which is the main motive behind any game. So it depends on the gamer as to what influence does he want to have (of games on him).


In the zone
the thing i hate is that ppl start criticising abt the effect of games. but they do not see that every game is marked by the esrb and it expects ppl to play games appropriate to their age. its not the company's responsibilty if a 10 yr old shoots his classmate after playin gta. the mistake is of the parents. they r the ones who bought the kid the game. ju


Broken In
supersaiyan said:
the thing i hate is that ppl start criticising abt the effect of games. but they do not see that every game is marked by the esrb and it expects ppl to play games appropriate to their age. its not the company's responsibilty if a 10 yr old shoots his classmate after playin gta. the mistake is of the parents. they r the ones who bought the kid the game. ju

I don't think anyone can absolve himself of their responsibility by putting blame on the parents. It is very convenient to blame the parents, since then nothing has to be changed. Take GTA for example. GTA has
(a) Misleading name.
It should be Grand People Killing, and not Grand Theft Auto.
(b) Does it mention that you get points to kill people on the game's box cover?

Then again, how many parents know that mature games exist? Who will tell a parent that there is something called ESRB rating, that will tell them the age group a game is suitable for? For example, do your parents know about ESRB rating? Mine don't.

Just putting a T or M on the cover won't tell the parents anything. For somebody who may not have played many games in their time, they may easily mistake it for some kind of Logo. Since parent's are buying such games for kids, this means that ESRB ratings are not working.



Cyborg Agent
Those are excellent points by rbk and pallav and frankly, in the end, there will no evidence to point either which way. We could go on forever arguing about this, but the mere fact, whether you choose to accept it or not, is that games are just another medium for what society really is, even if it involves fantasy as in HL/Doom or reality (GTA). Nobody is innocent anymore these days - the media has ensured that. If you cut out all the video games from a person's life, does that mean he won't know about sex or violence? Hardly! You get infinitely much more of those from our Hindi movies that parents take the 7 year old kids to. Anything that is supposed to be for kids is actually breaking their innocence. You dont think GI Joe, He-Man, Batman or even Barbie are true-kiddie stuff, do you? Its not just about games. Watch Cartoon Network for an entire day and you will see how inappropriate almost all cartoons are for kids. Pretty much the only thing that's kiddie-friendly is Pingu. For people who say that the temptation to take a gun and go on a rampage is because of Doom and GTA-like games, then does that mean I am going to go on a turtle-killing rampage because I like Mario? Kids are what their parents and friends make of them. The ratings system is just to enforce appropriate content at the right age, its just a suggestion, not a solution. The average American kid watches over 6 million murders on TV before the age of 10. If they're gonna start complaining about video games, then I am going to start complaining about how violent and foul the nursery rhymes and fairy tales are. Surely everyone knows about the extreme violence in those. We dont have any qualms about exposing kids to those, why should it be different for video games?


Broken In
Who else to blame if not the parents? If you don't want your kids to play violent games, start taking an interest in your kid and learn about the ESRB. It's usually displayed very prominently on the cover and very discriptive. You can't blame Rockstar or Fox if your kid is screwed up, they are running a business not a Day care centre. They are only creating products that the people demand and display a rating to inform parents about the nature of their product in accordance with the law.

It's true that the ESRB rating has been a failure, but it's because these days most parents just don't care about what their kids are playing or movies they are watching. I remember a documentary about a couple of parents who put enough pressure on the local police to do their jobs and ensure that games & movies with mature ratings are available only on producing an 18+ ID. They also got such products removed from kids stores etc. But the fact that something like this is worth showing in a documentary says that it is the exception rather than the rule.
Don't expect to see something like that happening around here anytime soon :wink: [/quote]



Hello there
In my previous post I told you about my viewpoint about games. Today I am here to tell something of the same kind. See, one research showed that computer games stunt teenagers brains(source: The Tribune). But after that a research told that computer games teach us how to make right decisions efficiently(source : digit). Then another research showed that children who play RPGs with intense action fail to develop basic learning skills and may fail in school exams(source :digit). Another research was then done in favour of games. So a cycle is going on in which you first see the bad side of playing games and within no time you see its positive aspects. So one mustn't conclude so immediately that playing games is having a bad effect on the generation. You might have read the article published in digit on games last year. Some questions were asked about general knowledge from gamers and most of them failed to answer correctly. But did anyone ask those who did not play games. I tell you that most of them won't know the answer. As far as gaming is concerned, I would say that it is good only till you play it just for entertaining yourself. Till then it will not affect you. But if it becomes an addiction it may(there is a possibility that it won't) damage your social life.And one more point, what is the ESRB doing?


why need title?
well @anshul iam a hardcore gamer.. and yes i accept am addicted to games.. but then my social life is different from my gaming life.. gaming is my entertainment.. even tho am addicted i spend time with family.. friends and move normally..

also a similar type of topic was runnin in general section..



Its a mode of fun which makes u lazy.
I am addicted to it.
. But its better to get addicted to games
instead of CIGAR.


Hanging, since 2004..
i hope 'Godhatesusalllll' has read what everyone thinks abt this topic here .

btw is it


games are made for entertainment , just as u watch movies and have sex
(its not meant just to have kids, its primarily for pleasure).

Unfortunately it is the basic "HUMAN" instinct to override or prove that they are better than others one way or the other.why dnt u take it this way "maybe they satisfy the human urge to kill someone or beat up someone" and indirectly prevent crime. THINK POSITIVE







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