rohanbee said:Its very easy to vote for new games as they have the best graphics and new engines and fetures but we should acknowledge the ones that came the first and were successful then.
ROTFL! Are you sure you in the right thread?Varunnagwekar said:Max payne the end of discussion.
ctrl_alt_del said:ROTFL! Are you sure you in the right thread?Varunnagwekar said:Max payne the end of discussion.This is one says "Best FPS" or "Best First Person Shooter" while Max Payne is a Third Person Shooter or a TPS.
Varunnagwekar said:Max payne the end of discussion.
bendre123 said:i think the Max paypane is the best FPS game i have ever play. but this thread does not include max payne. nevertheless then my vote goes to wolfestein 3d. it is also very good game i played.