for me TFT's will wait till they come in the range of under 10k for 21"...what do u it possible...???
theres no doubt about it........

.....may b v can get them for our 3year old toddler....
LCD prices r high because of the DEAD PIXELS.Companies r charging high for LCDs bec for each LCD they manage to sell,they would've thrown away many faulty high dead pixeled LCDs.Research into LCD technology is mainly focussed on reducing the dead pixels per LCD screen.Once they manage to make most of the LCDs manufactured faultless,we can get them for damn low prices....
Lets hope that it happens soon.........
Hey game,follow these rules if u hav decided 2 go 4 LCD only….
1.Insist on seeing a DVD movie(not full of corse) & a TV prog in it.Most of the LCDs don’t like these two.Defects in the footage will b very prominent(as jagged ends) in a LCD because the images are displayed with very high sharpness .
2.Chek out the clarity from various angles & not from front alone.
3.Chek out the native resolution.It must b atleast 1280X1024 for a 17” LCD.
4.Chek out the number of dead pixels in the unit u r goin 2 buy.No LCD at present is totally free of dead pixels.Companies market only those units which have the dead pixel count less than the cut off point accepted by them.And they throw away those units with a higher dead pixel count than their standard.We live in a country where even disposable syringes stabbed on AIDS patient come repacked as brand new without any…..
5.Get a LCD with either digital port alone or both digital & analog portes only.Always connect the LCD to the DVI port(Digital)of your graphics card(& not to the VGA port into which we connect the CRT).This gives the best results.
If u r confused between 2 models ,take the model with:
1. LOWER PIXEL PITCH SIZE.The lower it is,the sharper the image will b.
2.LOWER PIXEL RESPONSE TIME.The lower it is,the better it is for gaming & movies.
3.HIGHER CONTRAST RATIO.The higher,the better of corse.