Nope, sorry. If you are a premium tf2 player, then you may trade the scrap for the weapons. Or just wait for a weapon to drop for you..I used 2 weapons of Pyro to get reclaimed metal, and now those weapons are missing, any way I can get them back?
Need to wait until he comes online
Ok, Installed Steam and it's fixed
Server is up..!!
You can join
For those are new to TF2:
1. Enable Developer Console from Advanced Options Menu.
2. Open Developer Console by pressing ` [The left key of 1]
3. Type / Copy-Paste connect
4. Voila
PS: I'm new to this server thing, any ideas to secure the server is always welcome![]()
6-8PM usually.When you guys, generally play online ??? Any particular time ??
are you premium?I used 2 weapons of Pyro to get reclaimed metal, and now those weapons are missing, any way I can get them back?
its soooo worth it. play it once, and you will delete all your other games (exept, maybe Realm of the Mad God, terraria, and killing floor, like meHeard TF2 is a good game but is it worth downloading this 10gb game ?need an answer ASAP its good to see its free yup![]()
BTW my net is lit slow ............................
your sig, it makes my eyes bleed.HEy luk whose BACK !!! I have a holiday of 2 weeksso tell me ur timings we shud meet up and play together. IF nipun has time frm his schedule adn his server is up
Coz i can't find a single server with low pingsand also i was playing spiral knights for a while so............ GOT ADDCITED TO IT XD P.S : not for the hat just tried somthing new and short it was only 345 mb so it toke only 30 mins LETS PLAY SOON DECIDE THE TIME !!!! ALL I MEAN ALL INCLUDIN ALL XD
NOT FOR HAT? But you were telling everyone 'Play this game for a free tf2 hat!!!!!111!!!!1!!!!ONE!!!!!'
^ Yeah!
Nipun is busy with you know what he himself told when we used to play remember![]()
Yes, there's a server and its name is REDDIT UNOFFICIAL INDIAN SERVER, but you will hardly find any players there..![]()
Ping is great, <80 for me and 7 for a friend in Hyderabad. The only problem is admin has AFK Manager installed on it with 15 seconds time and spawn time is 10 seconds!Is the ping good? If yes, then let's occupy it XD