Taking a plunge into Linux...

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Staff member
even i cant see images,

yup you can always install on last partition without any hassles.


Broken In
thanks T, NK and sumit.

i will try this over the weekend. but i would still want Ubuntu on D: / :(

the screenshot is here: *i34.tinypic.com/2eovh9t.jpg

so if i wud want it on D:/ drive..
as i understand.. before starting the installation with the CD..
i go to computer management... disk managment.. >> delete D:/ drive

(proceed with installation of ubuntu...)

.....Select free space and click on the "New Partition"

...Select type of partition LoGICAL, size 1.5 times your RAM(1024 in my case; or shud it be 3 GB?)

...location for new partition "Begining"

..Use as: "swap area" and click OK

Again select free space and click New Partition. Select type of partition logical, size 8000 MB or more, location for new partition Begining, Use as: Ext 3 journaling file system, mount point: / and click OK

and so on...

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Staff member
yup the second time you select the whole free space as you dont want any stray free space for sitting idle. As for the naming, the D: partition will be named as /dev/sda5 anything under extended partition starts from the count of 5. Btw you are using two antiviruses :/


Broken In
all this while i was thinking i have to delete the partition on the installation window of UBUnTU and NOT on disk management.. that was my confusion. guess i missed reading it somewhere. hence, wanted to know wht name will appear for my D: drive so tht i can delete just D:/
sorry for being such a bunny.

and yep i am using two AVs. i had norton and nod32 earlier.. nod32 would just sit there detecting nothin on real time. and NOrton is good for instant scans. i usually turn off norton autoprotect. i am really happpy with Avira :) its the D man!

and yep NK
D: and E: just has movies and songs which are already backed up on dvds.

F: has too many things.. not comfortable moving it anywhere
but if you can convince me, i will :)


Call me Sumit
^^ arre yar kyun itna jhaam kar rela hai

1. Download Ubuntu Hardy Heron 8.0.4
2. Install Paragon Partition Manager on windows
3. Move ur last partition contents to other drives
4. Open Partition manager and delete F:.... F: shud be arnd 6-7 GB min
5. Boot from Ubuntu CD ...choose manual partition..it will show free space..first make a 1 GB swap (Linux swap) and then give rest as root (Linux ext3 filesystem) ..Dont forget to include " / " in without quotes
6. after that next next next and ur done :D

Even I learnt all that by experimenting..Back in engg days in 2000,I installed Red Hat Linux 6.0 on my new PC and erased whole C : drive hahahahhaaha !!! :lol:

(it was 6 hrs trying to configure Intel 815 MB grafix widout any help)


Here i will suggest, Ubuntu Ultimate 1.9, a Linux that can even beat vista hands down (well almost) u just try it and u will never think of anything else... check it out



Broken In
thanks but no thanks. :))

Ill stick to Ubuntu for now.

once i master Ubuntu i am planning to move to Arch Linux or Slackware.
heard a lot about these two. Will be back to bother you later. :)

Hopefully my next reply now would be through Ubuntu.

Thank you all for your help. How do i rep you guys?
A friendly advice to you: Never, EVER install these common ubuntu remixes unless you want that particular subset of software, or if you don't have broadband or if you are an absolute 100% newbie to most things linux.

Exceptions include Linux Mint and some distros for *special* situations.

But since you are here, I strongly recommend you to use Ubuntu Gnome and stick to that.
You need around 6-9 months for learning it fully.

If you have a decent modern rig, you might want to stay with ubuntu forever, mainly due to the wide number of software available for it. You also have several niche apps for Ubuntu which are not as easily found for other distros. And the documentation for ubuntu is so good, that you can ALWAYS find the command to install a software, even if its very abstract.


Broken In

I have Ubuntu installed on F:/ ;)

Now, how do i configure my sify connection on it.

i have tried sify's linux dialer. also msify...
no big help from either...

i am able to ping my gateway successfully.

any ideas plz?


If you are on a broadband connection refer this thread. It's not called the FAQ and made sticky for nothing.



Broken In
infact thats the first thing i read.. your tutorial for pppoe. its not for me as i am on "unlimited" plan from sify. :(


Yes, but you said that you have a sify dialer?? Tell me how do you connect to your sify broadband from windows. Is it through a dialer? Or when you just switch on your pc you're connected automatically?


Broken In
i use a dialer.

sifybroadband_3.2 version. but thats for windows.

i have tried using wine and installing this dialer ... it just zips by and nothing happens.


Alternative Sify Dialer
*thegoan.com/supersify(CLI, use this one, as this does not take any Memory)

This works on java, so you need to installed first.

Just CLICK this
It would install Flash,Java,Codecs and all such common things:p

If you bother to see what it does install
cabextract flashplugin-nonfree gsfonts-x11 gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse jackd java-common liba52-0.7.4 libavcodec1d libavutil1d libcdaudio1 libdvdread3 libfaac0 libfaad2-0 libfreebob0 libgsm1 libid3tag0 libjack0 liblame0 libltdl3 libmad0 libmjpegtools0c2a libmms0 libmp4v2-0 libmpcdec3 libmpeg2-4 libqt3-mt libquicktime1 libsidplay1 libsoundtouch1c2 libx264-54 libxvidcore4 msttcorefonts odbcinst1debian1 qjackctl sun-java6-bin sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin ubuntu-restricted-extras unixodbc unrar
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