system does not support !!!!!!

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Broken In
i am working in MAYA software for rendring, lighting, texturizing.

i have AMD Athlon (Asus M2N-MX motherboard & 3800+ dual core) system. with 2GB DDR2 Ram. but the system does not support when i work in MAYA.
SYSTEM give low Virtual memory massage continuously. plz help me what would i do??
Also tell me higher configuration than my system in minimum rates.
i saw P5B-W with 2.4 core 2 dio but its very high prise.

Also can i install Windows VISTA? is it fast than XP? kindly tell me more about that.

U can install vista easily on ur system.

For ur low virtual memory:
1)Check if many other applications may be running in background.
2)Defragment the hard disk.
3)Ur c:/ drive sud have enough space empty.


Broken In
ravi_9793 said:
U can install vista easily on ur system.

For ur low virtual memory:
1)Check if many other applications may be running in background.
2)Defragment the hard disk.
3)Ur c:/ drive sud have enough space empty.

But is VISTA fast than XP??????

1) when I am working only on MAYA then the massage displayed. other programs like photoshop, coral etc. if all programs are in run then not display the massage.
2) i am trying Defragment, Disk Cleanup & also System Optimizer.
3) C:/ drive empty space is 37GB.


Broken In
Actual the problem is

MAYA is heavy software. each file witch i making in maya. having near 200 to 500Mb size. when i render the file......lots of temperary file are created witch i can't delet. Also i think my graphic card does not support when rendering and doing very slow. Thats why i am upgrade my RAM 1GB to 2GB but no result.
only maya, photoshop, coral, flash,winamp, DVD player, windows-XP & all drivers is installing in my PC.( no games, no lan ).

PLZ PLZ Help me guys............!!!!
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Are u ......Sure?

@Vivek : About Vista being faster than Xp....that u can only try and tell. Professional sources say its slow, but people here :oops: say its fast, fabulous, excellent.....<insert any quality here>!


I think you need a gfx card...

and btw have you tried increasing the size of your virtual memory??


Broken In
Thanks Guys .......Problem solve a littlebit.

i am removing all softs without MAYA.
now it's render slowly but working.:| :|

now i want to purchase a new PC.
witch PC i will take???????

PLZ tell me a configuration witch better for me.


Increase ur virtual memory size to a minimum and maximum of 2Gb.Many people say that u'll have problems but believe me u won't.Jut go for help & support on how to increase ur virtual memory size.I did just that when i was using XP....


mediator said:
@Vivek : About Vista being faster than Xp....that u can only try and tell. Professional sources say its slow, but people here :oops: say its fast, fabulous, excellent.....<insert any quality here>!

Senseless comments comparing Windows XP and Windows Vista speeds. Both can't be compared like that. Like one can't compare AutoCAD and CATIA V5. Although both are meant for modelling, the use of either of them depends upon the need. AutoCAD needs very less resources. It's use is also limited. Most of them use it for drawing 2D only. On the other hand, CATIA V5 consumes more resources. It is used for 3D modelling most often.
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^^^Hmmm....Vista is technologically advanced right? I hope its out of the testing phase. Prey, have a seat here and read what professionals have to say! :)


mediator said:
^^^Hmmm....Vista is technologically advanced right? I hope its out of the testing phase. Prey, have a seat here and read what professionals have to say! :)

No wonder at all. Another piece of rubbish from you. And stop singing the same fanboy old songs. Words from tarey_g and gx_saurav aren't enough for you in that thread? Forget it, I am in no way goin to waste time with these silly things. It's absolutely waste to say something to fanboys....


Well, tarey and gx really had nice discussions with me, instead of whining like u that "Mediator posted rubbish", "You two talk senseless"? Wud u care to tell me where I posted rubbish there or r u out of words before even starting a discussion like a typical windows fanboy who doesn't want to discuss things and straight forwards go on a rampage and crying that people wont stop posting about my beloved Windows?

Ahh, thinking about "fanboy".....I dunno how many times I already contradicted that term/definition that some people like u tried to associate with me. Kids really don't like to read (or shud I say...shy from reading?) my replies and later repeat that u r a fanboy. How stubborn they r sometimes...isnt it? :oops:

C'mon lets do a little chit-chat there. Since u think even the professional analysis that I reflected there is bulls*hit or rubbish, then please entertain me there. I hope the summer heat hasn't started taking a toll on ur mind already. :)


18 Till I Die............
Since you want a new PC, start a new thread in Hardware Troubleshooting. And don't forget to give your budget and intended use. Don't just say I want a new PC, no one can help just like that.
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