Switch off monitor after Shut Down????

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Resident Fanatic
Guys my teacher told us in a lecture that one sud switch off the monitor after Shutdown for better results. Is it so??
I never do this.


its not necessary.. i never did it and still my monitor runs fine.. your teacher must have said this coz after shutdown if you dont power off the monit still some electcricity flows in the circuits ,, but it is like that as soon as the monitor somes in power saving mode only LED glows and rest all resistances are closed for monitor circuits ,, so DONT WORRY ,, there was a time when old monitors needed to be shutdownded


 Macboy
It "might" draw about 1Watt of power while in standby mode. There is no need to shut down...(It "might" also draw 1 watt power while in off mode but the power to the monitor is on)...
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