Suggestion for a gaming PC/Laptop


Right off the assembly line
Suggestion for a gaming PC/Laptop@35k

1. What is the purpose of the computer? What all applications and games are you going to run? (Stupid answers like 'gaming' or 'office work' will not work. Be exact. Which games? Which applications? Avoid the word 'et cetera.')
Ans: Games: Darksiders 2, Diablo 3, League of Legends, DoTA2, MGS:Revengeance [ Games that are launched in the next 2-3 years ]
Compiling: OSS like LFS/Gentoo [ Here more cores = Better ]

2. What is your overall budget? If you can extend a bit for a more balanced configuration, then mention this too.
Ans: 35k [Can extend by 10k but would like to avoid it like the plague]

3. Planning to overclock?
Ans: Not unless I asbolutely have to i.e. system falls short on requirement #1

4. Which Operating System are you planning to use?
Ans: Gentoo, Windows 8/7/Xp [ multiboot - will figure out which one works best for a game ]

5. How much hard drive space is needed?
Ans: 1TB

6. Do you want to buy a monitor? If yes, please mention which screen size and resolution do you want. If you already have a monitor and want to reuse it, again mention the size and resolution of monitor you have.
Ans: Yes. Size: 20"+. Resolution: HD [ Please dont include this in the PC budget however ]

7. Which components you DON'T want to buy or which components you already have and plan on reusing?
Ans: Keyboard, Mice

8. When are you planning to buy the system?
Ans: 2nd Week, Sept, 2012

9. Have you ever built a desktop before or will this be done by an assembler?
Ans: Yes, a few hundred times.

10. Where do you live? Are you buying locally? Are you open to buying stuff from online shops if you don't get locally?
Ans: NCR. Irrelevant. Yes.

11. Anything else which you would like to say?
Ans: More inclined towards a laptop than desktop. Intention is to play games at 1080p even if all the eye candy like AA, Vsync etc has to be turned off. At 720p, I'd like to play games with some or all the eye candy however. Finally, I need this system to last at least until Apr, 2015.
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Retired Forum Mod
laptops can't offer the kind of requirements you are asking. No laptop under 45k have HD display (1600X900 though they market everything as HD). Or the graphics power to run upcoming games at high details that also till 2015. Go for a desktop. Check similar threads for general idea about what to expect at this budget.


Right off the assembly line
For a laptop, anything that can support 1280x800 gaming at mid settings now and mid-low settings in another 2-3 years is good enough. HD at low settings is only a requirement for the desktop.
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