suggest a dvd writer

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Broken In
Hi, i am in the market for a brand new internal dvd writer,
so i need your suggestions.
I mainly use it to back up my hard disk, burn films, and ripping dvds.I normally use cheap media, so wide compatibility with local media is needed.
What would be your suggestion?
Many thanks in advance.


Broken In
which model no? i found one asus one with lightscribe for only 1100.But asus has no sevice centers other than in mumbai. are all these writers warranties one year only?

thanks for the advise guys...
i did a little market research and found that moser baer is selling liteon now, and the model nos the shops have in kolkata are some weird nos, i couldnt find reviews of them anywhere. so i took the next best thing. asus drw-2014L1T with lightscribe which cost me 1300 rs.weirdly enough though, it gave NO software with the pack, and no cable either. The shopkeeper gave the cabels for free though. I find that highly disappointing.
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