Sri Lanka rejects US-sponsored UNHRC resolution


Wise Old Owl
do some study on mental trauma of rape victims.equating rape with crimes like robbery,murder etc is completely wrong but i guess this answer is to be expected from a typical male perspective.let me tell you that no man can truly understand the trauma of a rape.given an option i would rather see rapist sent to death rather than a murderer because at least murderer's victim rest in peace compared to the woman who is mentally scarred for life.

nobody has the right to decide that no human deserves to die.hoping for a world where no human deserves to die is same as wishing for a life in paradise.there always were & always will be humans who deserve capital punishment & fortunately there were & always will be humans to carry out this duty for the sake of justice.

you have some seriously polarized views man, you talk about crimes... as someone has said no work is big or small similarly no crime is big or small you cant judge a crime by its magnitude, a crime is a crime wether rape or small robbery. secondly you did not see the bigger point that if you consider petty theft to be small crimes then its like stepping stone for crime, you start with theft and reach the top of the ladder

You talk about feelings of rape victims, mental trauma.....and i being a sexist. Let me tell you i am not, and you are blind. Rapes also happen to men, obviously not on such a large magnitude but they do.

you call justice executing people who are fathers / mothers of small 4 year old children. you are crushing their dreams to ever see their parents again. ..... tell me if this isnt mental trauma above all then what is ? being orphaned at a young age thanks to your (law) roaming around, without proper education / social attachment.

not only them brothers/ sisters/ children. arent the hopes and lives and dreams of those people crushed? you are destroying one whole family for the sake of justice of a single person.

and as if the capital punishment will change anything, it will only make matters worse. By hanging the perpetrator you cant give back the respect of womanhood ( in rape cases ) back to the victim. The only solace will be, that the person has died. The most effective and long term solution to this problem is to adopt a more open view towards sexuality and allow meeting of opposite sexes freely. Also use education as means to talk about such issues in rural and backward areas and uneducated people.

if you call that law, then you should be sitting in the parliament.

and this is why the law does not give death to anyone and everyone. Capital punishment was the norm in the times of "Rajwadas" not anymore.

its for people like you to understand that extremists views are not required here, nor are hardline religious laws. The only way for mankind to lead life peacefully is to adopt a moderate view.
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Extreme Gamer

do some study on mental trauma of rape victims.equating rape with crimes like robbery,murder etc is completely wrong but i guess this answer is to be expected from a typical male perspective.let me tell you that no man can truly understand the trauma of a rape.given an option i would rather see rapist sent to death rather than a murderer because at least murderer's victim rest in peace compared to the woman who is mentally scarred for life.

nobody has the right to decide that no human deserves to die.hoping for a world where no human deserves to die is same as wishing for a life in paradise.there always were & always will be humans who deserve capital punishment & fortunately there were & always will be humans to carry out this duty for the sake of justice.

You are walking down the road. A group of female goons surround and kidnap you. Then they bash you up and forcibly **** you one by one or even together, occasionally stuffing blunt objects into a certain place. Are you raped or not? I think I would consider myself gangraped in that situation. But the law would be against me...

Feminists please don't bash me up for writing this, I am not saying this happens in a widespread manner, but there have been cases where a man was raped by a woman or even a child by a woman but those cases were dismissed because the law at that time, and even now doesn't recognize forcibly ****ing a man or boy as rape (there was one article a few years ago in the telegraph kolkata but I wouldn't be able to give specifics). For true equality the law has to treat moth male and female criminals in exactly the same manner, irrespective of the crime. Women do not deserve more lenient treatment and men don't deserve stricter treatment.

As far as a woman overcoming rape is concerned, they are unable to get over the trauma because of the social stigma involved. Over here, people distance themselves from you when they get to know that you're a victim. "Oh, she's that rape victim. Lets not go near her."
In better educated nations, they actually come forward to support a victim during that time of need. If I remember correctly, there was a tamil film (fictional I think) about a rape victim. instead of taking the scmbag to jail, she marries the rapist because culture dictates that a woman is bound to the man she gets ****ed by. Don't ask me for the name, I read an article on rape in which mentioned this film. Evidence enough for you?

you have some seriously polarized views man, you talk about crimes... as someone has said no work is big or small similarly no crime is big or small you cant judge a crime by its magnitude, a crime is a crime wether rape or small robbery. secondly you did not see the bigger point that if you consider petty theft to be small crimes then its like stepping stone for crime, you start with theft and reach the top of the ladder

You talk about feelings of rape victims, mental trauma.....and i being a sexist. Let me tell you i am not, and you are blind. Rapes also happen to men, obviously not on such a large magnitude but they do.

you call justice executing people who are fathers / mothers of small 4 year old children. you are crushing their dreams to ever see their parents again. ..... tell me if this isnt mental trauma above all then what is ? being orphaned at a young age thanks to your (law) roaming around, without proper education / social attachment.

not only them brothers/ sisters/ children. arent the hopes and lives and dreams of those people crushed? you are destroying one whole family for the sake of justice of a single person.

and as if the capital punishment will change anything, it will only make matters worse. By hanging the perpetrator you cant give back the respect of womanhood ( in rape cases ) back to the victim. The only solace will be, that the person has died. The most effective and long term solution to this problem is to adopt a more open view towards sexuality and allow meeting of opposite sexes freely. Also use education as means to talk about such issues in rural and backward areas and uneducated people.

if you call that law, then you should be sitting in the parliament.

and this is why the law does not give death to anyone and everyone. Capital punishment was the norm in the times of "Rajwadas" not anymore.

its for people like you to understand that extremists views are not required here, nor are hardline religious laws. The only way for mankind to lead life peacefully is to adopt a moderate view.

Amen! I like what you say about capital punishment and a woman's respect. But raped or not raped, i would treat a woman with the same amount of respect, and maybe a treat the victim a bit better than I would treat the non-victim. And I think a rapist who reforms, apologizes and seeks forgiveness from the victim and goes the extra mile to help her overcome her trauma does a much better job progressing the country than a corpse/ashes that do...nothing whatsoever except maybe turn into unusable fertilizer/ medical specimens.

However, I'd disagree about moderate view. IMHO people need a flexible view rather than a moderate one. No matter how moderate, if you cant evolve your views over time, you are the scum who hold the species back. For example, Muslims can eat beef but not pork while Hindus can do exactly the opposite, provided you go by the religion. So who's right, who's wrong? A moderate would say "My religion is correct, but I'm okay if the other person's religion permits him." A flexible person would say, "Both people are wrong, and it's okay to eat both. Religious contradictions about the way you live your life makes absolutely no sense."

On another note, while debating this topic, this idea struck me that with evolution, man seems to be becoming very inflexible in thought, and our decline as a species over time will be because of this rigidity. I'm not saying this as a word of fact. This is only an idea that I churned up, and I'm still pondering over its validity.


Super Moderator
Staff member
well nothing you wrote was unexpected & all of it was along my predicted lines(i was hoping for the infamous american prison rape example though considering the popularity of US shows/movies here) so i guess for me it is time to end this discussion.let's not get away any further from the topic of this thread.India made a diplomatic mistake with regard to Sri Lanka & will have to bear the cost in some way in future.


The Vagrant Seeker
no crime is big or small you cant judge a crime by its magnitude, a crime is a crime whether rape or small robbery.

though i quote your line, this post is not necessarily to you.
the judiciary does dispense off 'justice' keeping in view the nature/level/circumstances of a crime ('niji muchalke par chhodna'/'performing social-work'/'some amount of time in prison'/'tadeepaar karna'/'life imprisonment'/'death', etc.), and practically speaking, we people, in general (including law-bearers as well), also view crimes according to their nature and try to 'find' the magnitude in each ("he committed a theft and was caught to be tried in court. hmmm...."; "what?! he committed a series of murders out of greed and is still unrepentant?! he should be hanged!"; "these corrupt politicians will do just anything to fill their coffers! they should be shot dead in full-public view!"; "the terrorists/naxalites are killing off civilians and our forces without any remorse. they should be terminated with an iron-will & hand!", etc.). perhaps has to do with human-mentality, but like as in any other case, generalisation should be avoided. so assuming the same yardstick for all would be a little odd, like either killing all or providing the same punishment to all, or pardoning all. discretion should be exercised, based on whether the perpetrator shows any signs of remorse, or is hardened, or seeks pleasure, etc.
many-a-times i feel this concept of catching criminals and shoving them in prisons humorous, like in, what purpose does it actually solve other than shifting a criminal from one place of residence to the other, and at times curbing their 'freedom' in this manner? its like a temporary solution (though practically speaking, we need such a solution as well, to keep in check the ever-rising crime-rate without taking too much time when everywhere we have are crimes and criminals waiting to be tried). may be some may feel afraid of the prison-life and desist committing crimes in future (though i suspect this for most), but what should be more sensible to practice is 'active reformation' for most of them (but then again, 'time' is a critical factor to consider this too i suppose, though some prisons are doing a very good job at this!).

And I think a rapist who reforms, apologizes and seeks forgiveness from the victim and goes the extra mile to help her overcome her trauma does a much better job progressing the country than a corpse/ashes that do.

even i think similarly. rahul bose had said something similar a while back and received flak for it.

well nothing you wrote was unexpected & all of it was along my predicted lines(i was hoping for the infamous american prison rape example though considering the popularity of US shows/movies here) so i guess for me it is time to end this discussion.let's not get away any further from the topic of this thread.India made a diplomatic mistake with regard to Sri Lanka & will have to bear the cost in some way in future.

we already have so 'friendly' neighbours surrounding us...
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Wise Old Owl
@ghor if you are quoting just for the sake of quoting, then dont post such replies.
shoving people in prisons is not as simple as moving them to some place of residence.. maybe you think its a temporary living situation with an ac room, free food and TV.

neighbours? look around you... which country has had close allies except some western nations? and why should we expect better? after all those are the people with the most open minded and moderate views.


The Vagrant Seeker
(you've graced this thread with your replies, agreeable to others or not. let me add in 1-2 of mine as well which may be agreeable or not.)

perhaps i didn't write it in a lucid manner earlier. though a crime is a crime and is treated so as per codified law without much delving into circumstances leading to one, but the judiciary as well as common man/human's viewpoint sees it as per its nature & magnitude too.

regarding imprisonment, ofcourse it is a temp. solution! do you really think that most people actually come 'reformed' out of the prisons? perhaps weary/bitterer/disappointed/nastier, etc. at best, most certainly. facilities are for the influential criminals, that's not the point. none comes out wiser (generally). it just feels like criminals get caged for a while, pay for their freedom (whichever way; treated well, abused, etc.), and when done with it, are left back to fend for themselves any which way (though innocents put behind bars wrongly pay heavily for this). and the main motive behind curbing crime, ie, 'reformation', is getting overshadowed in all this. my stress was more on the 'reform' part. but anyway, this nation is waiting for implementation of law & police-reforms for decades on, and am stressing on criminal-reformation! :|

and it would be better to stay limited to our grounds in the present context. we lose an ally at our own peril, and we know what perils we face, one like which a long-ignoring western giant tasted first-hand more than a decade back. let's for once spare ourselves bending over backwards to accommodate every whim & attack & what-nots, after being more than enough moderate & open-minded to these very same crooked neighbours for years in order to expect better (better ties/relations/future), and make an effort to tell them & others as well assertively where they are blundering & at the cost of what/whom!
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not only them brothers/ sisters/ children. arent the hopes and lives and dreams of those people crushed? you are destroying one whole family for the sake of justice of a single person.

You are thinking about the families of a single person who did crimes, but what about the families of people who are effected by it.. dont they suffer mental trauma. And if the criminal is left alone giving a nominal punishment ( many of the criminals know what the punishment, but still do the crime), what about the families of the people who will be affected when they come out.

You say that the wife and children miss will their rapist father.. I feel it will be a serious warning for anyone who thinks of doing such crimes.

If you read about the biggest criminals and rapists in this country ex the dandupalya gang etc... they affect more families and the society as a whole... these criminals give new ideas to other people of weaker or sadistic mids; which lead them to perform more crimes.

The reason I feel capital punishment is required in todays society, is because due to the news coverage every criminal act gets.. there are people who want to imitate the acts...
When you think about the society on a larger scale you will understand why the capital punishment is important.... beacuse it would not hurt the society to miss a few criminals as much as it would hurt to have a majority of people living in fear, doubt, pain and anger.
And it would help lower the population as well...
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