Sri Lanka rejects US-sponsored UNHRC resolution

Extreme Gamer

Vendor according to this viewpoint capital punishment is more humane & therefore human rights activists should have no problems with giving capital punishment to those who have been awarded life sentence.see this is what happens when you try to bound law based on parameters like age,mental state,social status,family upbringing instead of judging each crime independently based solely on crime committed.a heinous crime deserves strict punishment including capital punishment no matter what the age,sex,mental state,family history,.... of accused is.

Erm life imprisonment isnt living hell. Just because most Indian prisons suck doesn't mean the condition is the same everywhere in the world. How can you assume that life imprisonment is worse than death penalty when I didn't elaborate on my POV?

I think criminals that get the death penalty should be treated like animals, and not executed. Human rights clauses should include a dehumanization clause for these rarest of rare conditions, so that human rights unfairly enjoyed by these scumbags can be revoked.

CommanderShawnzer was pretty close to what I think people currently awarded capital punishment deserve. I think the burner has to be cranked at a much higher level than Guantanamo bay has to offer.

i wonder how many human rights activists opposing death penalty would condemn death sentence given to someone like Hitler or Mussolini had they been captured is complete nonsense that a brutal rapist murderer can get away easily just because he was 3-4 months short of becoming 18 when he committed crime or a 80 yr old nazi war criminal who sent hundreds of people to their death gets just a wrist on slaps because according to court he is too old to be given a sentence.well i do believe in law of Karma & rest assured all this will come back to haunt human society in some form in future.
Mussolini was captured and executed by a firing squad...and his corpse was displayed in public. in fact he was happy to die, baring his chest in front of his executioners if a story I read in a book is to be believed. I think he should have been treated like the Jews were treated under Hitler's reign.
Just because one child commits a brutal murder all children should suffer according to you?
Karma? Come on, don't be silly. There is no such thing as rebirth. Consciousness is a result of the quantum nature of the human mind. Once you die, your mental circuits stop functioning. In fact, IMHO death could probably be compared to a computer shutting down and the parts rusting away.
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Wise Old Owl
Erm life imprisonment isnt living hell. Just because most Indian prisons suck doesn't mean the condition is the same everywhere in the world. How can you assume that life imprisonment is worse than death penalty when I didn't elaborate on my POV?

I think criminals that get the death penalty should be treated like animals, and not executed. Human rights clauses should include a dehumanization clause for these rarest of rare conditions, so that human rights unfairly enjoyed by these scumbags can be revoked.

CommanderShawnzer was pretty close to what I think people currently awarded capital punishment deserve. I think the burner has to be cranked at a much higher level than Guantanamo bay has to offer.

guantanamo bay is actually near the death level.... the torture which people go through there can almost kill


Steam High Templar
Erm life imprisonment isnt living hell. Just because most Indian prisons suck doesn't mean the condition is the same everywhere in the world. How can you assume that life imprisonment is worse than death penalty when I didn't elaborate on my POV?

I think criminals that get the death penalty should be treated like animals, and not executed. Human rights clauses should include a dehumanization clause for these rarest of rare conditions, so that human rights unfairly enjoyed by these scumbags can be revoked.

CommanderShawnzer was pretty close to what I think people currently awarded capital punishment deserve. I think the burner has to be cranked at a much higher level than Guantanamo bay has to offer.

you know,once i read in a newspaper that prisoner's in Chennai get Roast Chicken every sunday.

Extreme Gamer

they use waterboarding man.. i cant think of anything worse than that.

Castration, nail-tearing, the rack, crucifixion are ranked higher in my books. Remember, you can be as imaginative as you want. Torture has limitless possibilities :twisted:


A really thin, hard metal rod heated to white hot, and shoved inside a penis for example.


Wise Old Owl
Castration, nail-tearing, the rack, crucifixion are ranked higher in my books. Remember, you can be as imaginative as you want. Torture has limitless possibilities :twisted:


A really thin, hard metal rod heated to white hot, and shoved inside a penis for example.

lol, thats ummm physical torture..... and im sure there are worse things than that.... read unit 731 (gewgle), but then again its too much lol.... why not just give them pain some morphine and repeat that cycle again :twisted:

there are some ways, including physical and drugs which cause damage by fiddling with the CNS. inducing pain without actually deforming the body.

Extreme Gamer

lol, thats ummm physical torture..... and im sure there are worse things than that.... read unit 731 (gewgle), but then again its too much lol.... why not just give them pain some morphine and repeat that cycle again :twisted:

Who cares whether it's physical, mental or both. Make the scum wish for death, and deny them that. Force them to eat the dead bodies of their kind too.

Anyway, no more off-topic or mods will close the thread.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Erm life imprisonment isnt living hell. Just because most Indian prisons suck doesn't mean the condition is the same everywhere in the world. How can you assume that life imprisonment is worse than death penalty when I didn't elaborate on my POV?

I think criminals that get the death penalty should be treated like animals, and not executed. Human rights clauses should include a dehumanization clause for these rarest of rare conditions, so that human rights unfairly enjoyed by these scumbags can be revoked.

CommanderShawnzer was pretty close to what I think people currently awarded capital punishment deserve. I think the burner has to be cranked at a much higher level than Guantanamo bay has to offer.

Mussolini was captured and executed by a firing squad...and his corpse was displayed in public. in fact he was happy to die, baring his chest in front of his executioners if a story I read in a book is to be believed. I think he should have been treated like the Jews were treated under Hitler's reign.
Just because one child commits a brutal murder all children should suffer according to you?
Karma? Come on, don't be silly. There is no such thing as rebirth. Consciousness is a result of the quantum nature of the human mind. Once you die, your mental circuits stop functioning. In fact, IMHO death could probably be compared to a computer shutting down and the parts rusting away.
looks like you completely misunderstood my post.i am not assuming or saying anything except that punishment should be appropriate in respect to crime committed so if a particularly brutal/inhumane punishment is given for an inhumane crime then it is alright in my opinion.also someone who can rape a young girl & then cut her organs open by blunt object is not a children in my eyes no matter his age & all those who thinks them as children needs to get their heads checked for anomalies.
These days I feel that the Blackstone's formulation of " It is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer" is B.S... It should have been the other way around... Coz what we have in plenty in the World now is people and what we have the least is Humanity.


Lost in speed
Humanity dies with the fallen. In these days, war ethics is becoming a bluff. For example, the beheading of indian soldiers by pakistan soldiers.
Coming back to SL, I see a light of hope for eelam as people (activist groups, non-political movements, especially COLLEGE STUDENTS) here in TN are still demonstrating rigorously to the Indian govt (i.e., INC) pushing them to take a STAND against SL though India says "SL is our neighbor country". INC is struggling a lot b/w the pressures on both sides (TN-people & SL-govt).

Am sure, INC won't win in the next election because of the ever-silent-PUPPET and the shadowy-behind-the-curtains-PUPPETEER.

Extreme Gamer

looks like you completely misunderstood my post.i am not assuming or saying anything except that punishment should be appropriate in respect to crime committed so if a particularly brutal/inhumane punishment is given for an inhumane crime then it is alright in my opinion.also someone who can rape a young girl & then cut her organs open by blunt object is not a children in my eyes no matter his age & all those who thinks them as children needs to get their heads checked for anomalies.
Then according to you, a misguided youth doesn't even deserve a chance to be given correct guidance. How do you know that the boy in question didn't have bad influence around him? By your opinion all the child soldiers in the world between the age of 15 and 18 should be executed without any thought as to the circumstances they were placed in, and if they were 14 years 9 months they should be treated as 15 years old and given the same punishment.

Also, you did not understand my post even though I understood yours perfectly. How would the child be considered an adult if the law did not have any provision for it? If you ask the govt. to change the law, then you put other juvenile delinquents at risk too you know.

A crime has to be evaluated holistically, that is why judges are humans. Otherwise computers could easily replace human judges and the system would be sped up by at least 15-20% in the worst case scenario, which would help the Indian judiciary A LOT.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Then according to you, a misguided youth doesn't even deserve a chance to be given correct guidance. How do you know that the boy in question didn't have bad influence around him? By your opinion all the child soldiers in the world between the age of 15 and 18 should be executed without any thought as to the circumstances they were placed in, and if they were 14 years 9 months they should be treated as 15 years old and given the same punishment.

Also, you did not understand my post even though I understood yours perfectly. How would the child be considered an adult if the law did not have any provision for it? If you ask the govt. to change the law, then you put other juvenile delinquents at risk too you know.

A crime has to be evaluated holistically, that is why judges are humans. Otherwise computers could easily replace human judges and the system would be sped up by at least 15-20% in the worst case scenario, which would help the Indian judiciary A LOT.
ironic that you did a good twisting of my words but didn't understood my post.where did i say that all juveniles/not adults be treated with same stick?in fact my starting point was that criterion should only be crime let me make it clear to you:
case 1:child orphaned at the age of 9 in a civil war & then joined a local militia to survive.undergoes brutal military training for 5 years & come out as a killing machine murdering dozens of civilians.captured & tried by court.
my opinion:guilty but under circumstances not eligible for death penalty or life sentence but based on psychological evaluation can be given appropriate jail time minimum of which must be 7 years.

case 2:child orphaned at the age of 9 in a civil war promises himself revenge on opposing side.joined a local militia to achieve his aim.undergoes brutal military training for 5 years & come out as a killing machine brutally murdering dozens of opposing side civilians especially infant children all out of hatred.captured & tried by court.
my opinion:guilty with no leniency.eligible for capital punishment or at least life sentence but nothing less.

according to you both should get chances to reform & a light sentence of 3-4 years at max.though if both had been adults you have no problems with harsh sentence.look up some USA laws where there is a provision to treat minors(less than 17/18 years of age) as usual offenders if the crime committed is heinous in nature.this is what i am talking about.a blanket immunity to all juvenile offenders no matter how heinous the crime being committed is nothing but just a mockery of law.a mere addition of clause which states that in exceptional cases minors can be treated as adults(like in USA) will not result in every juvenile being offered harsh sentences just like death penalty in exceptional cases doesn't result in handing down of capital punishment in many cases.

Extreme Gamer

ironic that you did a good twisting of my words but didn't understood my post.where did i say that all juveniles/not adults be treated with same stick?in fact my starting point was that criterion should only be crime let me make it clear to you:
case 1:child orphaned at the age of 9 in a civil war & then joined a local militia to survive.undergoes brutal military training for 5 years & come out as a killing machine murdering dozens of civilians.captured & tried by court.
my opinion:guilty but under circumstances not eligible for death penalty or life sentence but based on psychological evaluation can be given appropriate jail time minimum of which must be 7 years.

case 2:child orphaned at the age of 9 in a civil war promises himself revenge on opposing side.joined a local militia to achieve his aim.undergoes brutal military training for 5 years & come out as a killing machine brutally murdering dozens of opposing side civilians especially infant children all out of hatred.captured & tried by court.
my opinion:guilty with no leniency.eligible for capital punishment or at least life sentence but nothing less.

according to you both should get chances to reform & a light sentence of 3-4 years at max.though if both had been adults you have no problems with harsh sentence.look up some USA laws where there is a provision to treat minors(less than 17/18 years of age) as usual offenders if the crime committed is heinous in nature.this is what i am talking about.a blanket immunity to all juvenile offenders no matter how heinous the crime being committed is nothing but just a mockery of law.a mere addition of clause which states that in exceptional cases minors can be treated as adults(like in USA) will not result in every juvenile being offered harsh sentences just like death penalty in exceptional cases doesn't result in handing down of capital punishment in many cases.

you didn't say it, but your words implied it/were not clear enough on the matter. And I didn't say that all juveniles deserve the same stick...and by your previous posts, both case 1 and case 2 deserve the same treatment- both murdered countless civillians. Also, you totally chose to ignore the fact that most case 2 criminals are actually brainwashed. those that actually do it to survive are not as common as those that are encouraged to do so.

I oppose the death penalty in principle. so there. I would oppose capital punishment even if it was a scumbag who committed genocide. I would oppose death penalties for all of the Nuremberg convicts too. I would oppose death penalties for even traitors.


Wise Old Owl
ironic that you did a good twisting of my words but didn't understood my post.where did i say that all juveniles/not adults be treated with same stick?in fact my starting point was that criterion should only be crime let me make it clear to you:
case 1:child orphaned at the age of 9 in a civil war & then joined a local militia to survive.undergoes brutal military training for 5 years & come out as a killing machine murdering dozens of civilians.captured & tried by court.
my opinion:guilty but under circumstances not eligible for death penalty or life sentence but based on psychological evaluation can be given appropriate jail time minimum of which must be 7 years.

case 2:child orphaned at the age of 9 in a civil war promises himself revenge on opposing side.joined a local militia to achieve his aim.undergoes brutal military training for 5 years & come out as a killing machine brutally murdering dozens of opposing side civilians especially infant children all out of hatred.captured & tried by court.
my opinion:guilty with no leniency.eligible for capital punishment or at least life sentence but nothing less.

according to you both should get chances to reform & a light sentence of 3-4 years at max.though if both had been adults you have no problems with harsh sentence.look up some USA laws where there is a provision to treat minors(less than 17/18 years of age) as usual offenders if the crime committed is heinous in nature.this is what i am talking about.a blanket immunity to all juvenile offenders no matter how heinous the crime being committed is nothing but just a mockery of law.a mere addition of clause which states that in exceptional cases minors can be treated as adults(like in USA) will not result in every juvenile being offered harsh sentences just like death penalty in exceptional cases doesn't result in handing down of capital punishment in many cases.

if you are considering gun totting 9 year olds from africa and the 16-17 year olds who comitted attrocities in America as adults, you are sadly mistaken. The basic assumption wrong with your theory / statement is that you are considering children by physical factors like age and size and not on mental capacity. humans who have gone through this amount of trauma and torture and not adults, their mental capacities are limited / brainwashed

yes they should get a chance to reform. The law is not there to execute humans, its to make them change as people. The second example you mentioned has a simple opinion under court of law.. the child was small, his thinking was polarized and he was probably brain washed, so he needs to be rehabilitated and provided a chance to change his life.

talking about USA, where 17 year olds can buy guns without permits.... and conceal them ( take them to school without the need to inform their parents )

the law is simple: to protect the innocent and punish the guilty

punish the guilty, and punishment does not mean to kill them, else it should be "kill the guilty"

and the child soldiers example which extreme_gamer gave is an answer to your all your queries, and its a very valid answer.
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^^ though your ideology is saint like, i feel you are living in a dream world. You need to understand that some people grow faster mentally than others, age has nothing to do with it. The things you experience in life.. good or bad... help towards the growth which may be positive or negative.
Your ideology could have been usefull long time back, but now when the earth is bustling with more humans and less humanity.... we could do away with the so called "Humans" with capital punishment in order to keep the rest sane and cautious. If the guys who did the rape in Delhi would have been shot dead in an encounter, there would have been less incidents instead of more after the horrible incident happened.
You dont need to give chance to people who think that way.

An idea is the most wonderfull thing and Horrible thing in the world... every thing good or bad has started with one and spread to many... from the first person who commited rape or started a charity....
So the way to kill bad ideas from the society is to kill the people who have them.
I know it sounds Radical.. buts it better and simpler that way to put a stop to all this BS.


Wise Old Owl
^^ though your ideology is saint like, i feel you are living in a dream world. You need to understand that some people grow faster mentally than others, age has nothing to do with it. The things you experience in life.. good or bad... help towards the growth which may be positive or negative.
Your ideology could have been usefull long time back, but now when the earth is bustling with more humans and less humanity.... we could do away with the so called "Humans" with capital punishment in order to keep the rest sane and cautious. If the guys who did the rape in Delhi would have been shot dead in an encounter, there would have been less incidents instead of more after the horrible incident happened.
You dont need to give chance to people who think that way.

An idea is the most wonderfull thing and Horrible thing in the world... every thing good or bad has started with one and spread to many... from the first person who commited rape or started a charity....
So the way to kill bad ideas from the society is to kill the people who have them.
I know it sounds Radical.. buts it better and simpler that way to put a stop to all this BS.

im not living in the dream world, my feet are on terra firma. you mentioned if they had been killed, have you wondered that the "if" you are talking about could change the entire course of humanity...? if einstein hadnt developed his theory, if newton would not have discovered gravity, if maxwell did not give his equation... these "ifs" possible alter the future from there on....

that way why is rape a act which deserves capital punishment? execute even small time robbers and crooks, execute teachers for misconduct, execute anyone who does anything wrong. if you really want to start a revolution do this. Take up arms and blow-up every jail and kill and humiliate all the families of the people who have done wrong things...

Extreme Gamer

that way why is rape a act which deserves capital punishment? execute even small time robbers and crooks, execute teachers for misconduct, execute anyone who does anything wrong. if you really want to start a revolution do this. Take up arms and blow-up every jail and kill and humiliate all the families of the people who have done wrong things...


And remember, an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. Nobody has the right to decide whether another person should live or die. The worst criminals should be dehumanized and not executed if they don't reform.


Super Moderator
Staff member

And remember, an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. Nobody has the right to decide whether another person should live or die. The worst criminals should be dehumanized and not executed if they don't reform.
do some study on mental trauma of rape victims.equating rape with crimes like robbery,murder etc is completely wrong but i guess this answer is to be expected from a typical male perspective.let me tell you that no man can truly understand the trauma of a rape.given an option i would rather see rapist sent to death rather than a murderer because at least murderer's victim rest in peace compared to the woman who is mentally scarred for life.

nobody has the right to decide that no human deserves to die.hoping for a world where no human deserves to die is same as wishing for a life in paradise.there always were & always will be humans who deserve capital punishment & fortunately there were & always will be humans to carry out this duty for the sake of justice.
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