Speaker Fever.. sounds like tiktiktik..help

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dont know what is happening

but from few days i was hearing a sound from my speaker (ver small sound) while runnign the gprs

but today it is sounding very loudly

is this due to gprs ?

how do i fix that ?


MVP in VC++
This maybe due the singal interference....caused due the mobile..

long back ago even i had this problem and gradually became allright.


In the zone
When ever gsm phone communicates with the tower you can feel the interference in speaker and in monitors (shaking display)... Even in ordinary land line receiver....

Just place your phone a little away from you speaker it will be ok......



thanks but my speaker goes on soduning loud even if the gprs is not running ..dont know what is happening


could be your power supply too. Any interference from a faulty light / plug switch in your house can cause the sound , hav u got a good spike suppressor ?


In the zone
I sometimes get noise from my speaker when dust gets accomadated in the control knob of the speaker....

I just blow away the dust and it gets fine..... May be you can try that...


Nokia 7110 to iPhone 5
the sound is caused by the microwaves disturbing the digital circuitry(amplifier to be precise) it happens while sms'ing, dialing/recieving calls, gprs and all the services depending upon the gsm medium. the microwave impulse is so powerfull that it not only disturbs your audio Amps and CRT's but it has made most of the pertol pumps owners to display "PLEASE SWITCH OFF YOUR MOBILE" coz they dont want a bar-be-que- around there :lol: lol


Any interference from a faulty light / plug switch

checked it

I just blow away the dust and it gets fine..... May be you can try that...

did that also

the sound is caused by the microwaves disturbing the digital circuitry(amplifier to be precise) it happens while sms'ing, dialing/recieving calls, gprs and all the services depending upon the gsm medium. the microwave impulse is so powerfull that it not only disturbs your audio Amps and CRT's but it has made most of the pertol pumps owners to display "PLEASE SWITCH OFF YOUR MOBILE" coz they dont want a bar-be-que- around there

i mentioned abaove that this now is happening even if the gprs is not running or the phone is not kept near the speaker :lol:
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