Skyrim help

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Cyborg Agent

I am currently playing The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. This is my first RPG and i am total n00b at it.

Can anyone explain me the basic stuff of this game ?

Eg. what is nord,elves? what is this "imperial" thing ? why i have to choose a game character and what significance it has on game and game play?


Cyborg Agent
that answers only the plot....what about other questions ? can someone pin down important things i need to know so that i can enjoy the game ?
Eg. potions are important as it restores health etc

so what race i should choose ? does it affects game play /story ?


You can use the search box in that wiki page.My advice is that just play along,you will learn them on the way.


ok noob here it is

you know what it is.the lifeline of yours...well sort of.Eat edible food to restore it or drink poison(if you like :D ) to drain it.Warriors will like to have higher health as it plays the most vital role during a fight.

The lifeline for spells.When its all out, you cant use more spells until it is restored back.Mainly the players who like to use spells more often i.e. mages/spellcasters , will like to have more magicka as compared to other elements.Use potions to restore it.Electric attacks will deplete it.

This is helpful in sprinting and landing "power attacks" (in melee combat only of course) .Warriors will love to have this element boosted up other than health factor.Frost/Ice attacks deplete it while potions restore it.

Powers are special continuous effects which will remain active during you playthrough.Though certain powers can be used for a limited times per each race has a special power which they can use 1 time per day

shouts are special powers which you can use multiple times a day but you must make the "shout bar" to recharge itself (which is roughly some seconds or minutes).
shouts are learned by absorbing dragon souls and combining it with the words learned from the walls (you'll learn as you play)

Nords,Dark Elves, Redguard,Khajit,etc.....
This is the basic element of the game.Each race has its unique features,merits and De-merits.And you'll be playing twith that race throughout the game.
lets take Redguard as an example(I chose it for my playthrough) have a special power of regenerating his stamina 10X faster for a couple of minutes during fight.This plays an important role coz redguards are "weapon masters" and they are benefited with high stamina bar so as to land more and more power attacks.

some races have elemental resistance, some have poison.disease resistance...and all sort of stuff.So in the end it'll be your choice which will matter.And dont think that choosing a different race will alter the story of your game.


Do you like to sneak upon an enemy and back stab them, or love to do a KO with bows and arrows
best options-->Wood elf,Khajit,Argonian

Do you like to go in the heat of the battle and fix the things up by yourself
best options-->Nords,Imperials,Orcs

Do you like to watch you enemy burn/freeze as you use your fav spells or raise the dead bodies to fight for you
best options-->High elves,Bretons

Do you love both the powerful spells and swords or the combination of one hand spells and other hand sword or fire and electricity on your blades
best options-->Redguards,Dark elves

NOTE:The above stuff is good/advantage for initial hours gameplay only.You can choose with any type of race to play your fav style.


Cyborg Agent
Thanks Piyush..this is exactly what i wanted in short rather than reading 10-20 pages...
thanks again


Staff member
It's simple noob, just choose the default choices and press next next next. Do not worry about intricacies. Just bear the first few hours because you will be a noob in the beginning.

And reading Elder Scrolls wiki is best to answer your queries once you go deep.


Super Moderator
Staff member
@ OP - if you have some more questions you can continue here ;-)
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