As far as I know:
Max Payne,
StarLancer, and
Heart of Darkness are available in Issue #13 DVDs, but I'm sure there are maybe two or three more that people have missed (ROMs for older game systems still count!). On another related note, the SKOAR forums are finally back up - but the posts from their previous backup haven't shown up yet. Certainly took long enough for them. That just means we have to get our crap together while we're still on the rebound ;P
Hey I never read skoar but I those of u who have bought the mag and have used the dvd must have installed the games and I wud also be asuming that u all must be playing those so called pirated games....that makes all of u all the same as the pirates....hence criticising them hardly makes any sense...
Nobody asked for pirated games on their DVDs though, that was entirely their doing. Besides, it might surprise some people but I really wish they'd focus on actually putting stuff that's some use to me rather the same old PC games I've grown tired of long ago. Why not put some more mods on their? Or how about some developer interview videos? The indie community has some amazing **** too, yet they'd rather put Half-Life on their discs and call it a day. They really don't care.
You also gotta look at the bigger picture here. SKOAR interviews developers as well, how would you feel if your work was being distributing for nothing. Developers would feel less inclined to talk, and thus take us less seriously. And don't even get me started on distributors.
Either way you look at it, everybody's losing something here really. I thought people still cared about gaming in India