Shutdown problem

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The Sexy Beast
Since the past two days my system doen't shutdown neither restarts or hibernates it comes to windows is shutting down screen then it freezes there plz help could it be due to some crprxy.exe process that keeps on running


Distinguished Member
r u using norton ?
try to disable this ccrprxy.exe from startup and c if its the culprit.

possibly this one or one of ur other services is not shutting down properly.
anyway here a way to reduce your shutdown time.

run Regedit.
Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Control.
Click on the "Control" Folder.
Select "WaitToKillServiceTimeout"
Right click on it and select Modify.
the default value is ( i think) 6000.
Set it a lower value, say 1000.

make sure ur pc is not programd to clear page file at every shutdown
for more click * ter

ya, as suggested above no harm in scanning in SAFE MODE, with ur av and anti-spy. also cleanup ur pc junk with ccleaner.

if problem persists post ur hjt logfile.


check if u have enabled "Clear paging file at shutdown" & if there is some network flaw like hanged modem etc

Can u state which software/hardware u recently added
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