Should there be an Apple section?

You know the question.

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Juke Box Hero
I don't see any problem why there shouldn't be, though doubt if this thread at all helps, as and when the admins have to do it, But what the hey, you have my vote!

Edit: Er what?! the options edited! Argh, the previous statement was better, as the surprise part doesn't hold me sound. Ok, 3rd option chosen.


Aspiring Novelist
Well, I’ve done my share (I think). Can you mods, specially Milind, do something about it now?


Aspiring Novelist
I know. But don’t you guys have a direct line of communication with them? You can bring it to their attention, right? Maybe even show your support.

I mean, if you want it as much as I do, of course.


BSD init pwns System V
I really think that there should be one, so I voted Yes.. coz look at the Official thread of Apple and look at its size.. Its difficult to find in the thread if we're looking for Apple Software or Hardware.. so Apple Section is a must..


jamesbond007 needs thread subscription, not an Apple section for the first problem (someone making an appearance within minutes of a reply). When someone replies in a subscribed thread, the member is notified immediately via email.

Regarding the second problem, subscription is also a solution to that. When you find something interesting, subscribe to it for later reference. Plus, there's an option to auto-subscribe to threads (in which you've posted).

I'm just saying, each forum member has their own reasons to visit the forum, for example, a Firefox fanatic has to check Technology News, Chit-Chat, Open Source, QnA, Software Troubleshooting, Reviews and Tutorials (just to get a complete dose of what people feel about the Firefox experience across the boards). The sheer number of such users would obviously be more than Apple. Does that mean we should start a Firefox sub-section?

I am not comparing the two, just giving you an example. A section on the forum should bring order and convenience to all. We have category based sections for a reason in the first place. If there were to be an Apple section on ThinkDigit forums, it would break the structure of all the existing sections (even more so from the moderation point of view). Just because a particular thread is related to an Apple product it would probably have to go into Apple section (if there is one in future) - the Technology News would no longer cover Apple News, general questions concerning Apple won't go in QnA, Review of Apple hardware wouldn't go in the "Reviews" section, (perhaps the Apple-themed FightClub topics to be moved to Apple section too?).... this is my primary concern and the reason behind my vote. And Apple is not the same as Games and Open Source which people can conveniently ignore. Also, if we were to follow the general structure and only the Apple discussions qualify for a place in Apple section - the volume isn't much to warrant that right now.

I personally have no problems if there are a few more sections, it will only help the forums to grow faster in that field but other things have also be looked at (particularly the layout of forum even a non-regular forum member is accustomed to). In my opinion, reasons like 'there can be peace if there was an Apple section so non-interested people can avoid it' shouldn't be the basis of a new section. Moreover, why do you have to carry on all discussion related to Apple on a single thread? It only adds to a closed discussion between a few regular members. Just break it based on every day happenings (MobileMe outage, new rumored Al MacBooks, etc) and perhaps that encourage discussion from a more varied visitor base and eventually force the admins to create a new section.

As always, these are just my views. Admins know best.
^^ I think you got most part right, but in the end, I am now starting to think apple DOES need a section of its own. (edit my vote to option #3 please).

Because its something like this: Apple users flood the board sometimes with the same type of articles over and over again. Just look at the sheer number of iPhone threads for example. Then very often there are these post about some new feature or a new tutorial for OSX. Then there are all those speculatory threads.

Just looking at it makes me feel like I am living in a huge mess. So to filter out stuff, its indeed good to have an apple forum here.

As for those threads about weather someone wants to buy mac or dell, if he choses dell, it can remain in mobile monsters, and if he choses mac in the end, the thread can be moved to apple forum as an archieve. :lol:.

Anyway, other than that, I fully agree with your previous post that we need a seperate section for laptops and a seperate one for mobile phones. Perhaps you could make the Mobile Monsters section a subforum.

And personal tech section would also be welcome.

Looking at the sheer number of threads, I think OpenSource section too deserves a splitting to sections like OSS Hardware, Linux, BSD/Solaris, non *nix programs, OSS Chit Chat, etc within a OSS subforum.


Staff member
Oh yeah a split up into various distros will be good.
Newbie questions, hardware related etc, theming etc


The Devil's Advocate
@Sourabh: The Apple thread has grown out of proportion. It has information regarding the platform and has very little "News" about anything Apple. I myself have been an active part of that thread and find it inconvenient as it is right now a mix of everything and the Sunny spamming the thread with his heating problems after every 2 posts. Also, what's this about making the forum easier for moderating? Does this mean make it difficult to surf in any way?

The information contained in the thread regarding softwares and hardware available for the Apple platform and the troubleshooting all happening together at one place is very troublesome and irritating to go through.

I have always been against 1 thread for everything related to something 'A' or 'B' and till now wasn't in favor of a dedicated section, but looking at the amount of activity that happens in the thread, we could surely do with one section.

And, what kind of a rubbish argument is that OSS can have it's section because it is software and Apple cannot because it is Hardware! First up, when did Apple become hardware? 60% of the thread is filled with OS X and applications running on it!

I would like to remind people of this forum what the famous NY Times tech columnist David Pogue had to say* about Apple on the eve of iPhone launch: Today we see the birth of the third biggest computer platform - iPhone, Apple & Windows. Period.

* Not exactly the same words, but pretty much implied the above.
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