Should there be an Apple section?

You know the question.

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Aspiring Novelist
Hello! :)

First, some statistics:
There are more than ten dedicated Mac users (some are even referred to as fanboys) on this forum and definitely a lot of iPod users. We even have a few iPhone users, even though it isn’t officially available in India yet. The Apple thread, which was started in May 2007, is the fastest growing thread around these parts and, with over 6,750 replies as of this writing, is the lengthiest one on the entire forum.

This thread has now become absolutely huge and it’s very difficult to harness the vast pool of Mac-related knowledge it contains. We need a way to categorise our discussions, the ability to search them properly and spotlight the more important posts. We need to have more of a presence on the forum so that the growing base of Mac users in India have a stronger representation on one of the premier technology forums of India. The launch of the iPhone is only months away and it would be great if the new users had a forum to post their problems into.

We need a new category for Apple related threads on this forum. There are just too many of these spread all over the forum—at least 918, as of this writing—and it would be very convenient to be able to have them all in one place. It would also be better for those others who do not want to have anything to do with Apple. Just like you can ignore the open source section if you don’t want anything to do with Linux and the gamers one if you’re not into it, you can choose not to visit the Apple section then and will hardly ever run into any Apple related threads.

Please vote in the poll above and let us know what you think. Administrators, or whoever decides matters like this one, we request you to make a new section for Apple fanboys like me. Please give it a thought!

Thank you! :)


Thats fine with me i guess..
But make sure you have a sticky related to iPhone just to make sure new iPhone threads dont pop up every now and then.. :D


die blizzard die! D3?
there should have been a fourth option:

4.I don't care at all,but if that makes you guys any happier,I am sure gonna vote against it.

Just to keep the poll neutral. :p.

ex3n1us m4x1mus
A separate section would actually help in answering all the "OMG iPhone Indiyeah. When coming??????? OMGzzzzz .... ooh iPhone" queries that pop up every now and then :D

No, seriously though, there is a vast amount of information that lies in that thread. And there's even more with its contributors. Segregation is ideal and preferable :)


Beyond Smart
Who are the 2 people who voted "No! The last thing we need is MORE of this Apple nonsense." ?? :p


a dedicated Steve Jobs section wud not b a bad ida

a revelation preshit votes for "I don’t care either way, but if it makes you guys happy, sure, go ahead."


Slideshow Bob
I don't care either way, but if it makes you happy, go ahead :D
Technically, that's a 'yes', right? ;)
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