well i am getting pretty goood download speeds from my Hutch www service (around 19-22 KB/Sec) so i was wondering if i could make 2 computers access the internet connection from my phone at the same time,,, that would be cool isnt it, i still havent got my second computer but my dad is planning to buy one very soon.
ppl who are using airtel mobile office service and hutch www service how much speeds do u all get??? i am just curious to know,,, from hutch coustomer care i never get the corrrect info, if i person says i should get speeds around 25kbps the other says 15KB/sec(120kbps){i am getting 160kbps} so i was just wondering what speeds do others get and what all factors does the speed depend upon???
ppl who are using airtel mobile office service and hutch www service how much speeds do u all get??? i am just curious to know,,, from hutch coustomer care i never get the corrrect info, if i person says i should get speeds around 25kbps the other says 15KB/sec(120kbps){i am getting 160kbps} so i was just wondering what speeds do others get and what all factors does the speed depend upon???