<FilesMatch *.css>
Order allow,deny
Deny from All
suppose you store the images under a uncommon directory i.e. other than img or images ; and use CSS method, then how will you steal images ?but if a person save the page on his HDD, then nobody can be stopped from accessing the images
not a very hard thing to figure out
what about browsers who have disabled JS ?There is a software that do that here
There is also a script:-
Put this on <head> section:-
<script type="text/javascript">
<!-- Begin
function whichElement(event) {
var tname
if (event.button==2 && tname=="IMG"){pressed="picture"}
if (pressed=="picture")
{window.alert("Oops !! Sorry !!")}
and whre u insert image type this
<img border="0" src="image path" onmousedown="whichElement(event)" usemap="#FPMap4"></p>
Hope it helps...!!!
The site : carmelite.netfirms.com is half made by me just visit there and goto Snaps section and right click the image.
In the last line of the HomePage see it is written:-
Maintained By: Vaibhav.
suppose you store the images under a uncommon directory i.e. other than img or images ; and use CSS method, then how will you steal images ?
you can prevent caching also by the HTTP header definition no-storeU seem to be ignoring the fact that css or no css the images still have to download to my computer & then I can do what ever I want.
Just go to IE temp folder & get the image...........................worse I can always take a screenshot.
Best method is not to post the image on the web.
Web is for showcasing & sharing not meant for securing, have u ever seen military maps on the web?
why not?
you can prevent caching also by the HTTP header definition no-store
It wont let u save the image in cache for sure but you can still get the image from the cache without closing the browser.
No cache is only meant that once the browser is closed the the image should be deleted.
U always have the print screen & if u can find a way to disable that then there are many softwares to record the screen....................u have to find another method to disable these software too..................so the moral of the story is either be on the web or don't be on the web.
what about browsers who have disabled JS ?
also don't forget bots. they index images especially Google shows them in image results.
PHP?I know only by JS.
I disabled i donot know how to then blick image.
And infact it can also be done by php but as i donot know that i cannot help.
But I am learning php...
its impossible to do in PHPI know only by JS.
I disabled i donot know how to then blick image.
And infact it can also be done by php but as i donot know that i cannot help.
But I am learning php...