Seagate 1 TB vs WD Black 1 TB, which one?


Ambassador of Buzz
Can you explain why WD caviar Green HDDs should be avoided?Is it because they are unreliable and relatively slow?

Turn off intellipark, use these as secondary drives (storage) and you should be good.
In terms of reliability, Black and Blue are allegedly more reliable than the green version.


Human Spambot
Thanks a lot guys, Mario and Myth. Installed HDD successfully. I can see 932 GB Unallocated space in Computer Management under CP.
Now should I use that to partition it or is there any little software for it?


Ambassador of Buzz
Thanks a lot guys, Mario and Myth. Installed HDD successfully. I can see 932 GB Unallocated space in Computer Management under CP.
Now should I use that to partition it or is there any little software for it?

diskmgmt.msc --> partition/format as you wish.


Human Spambot
diskmgmt.msc --> partition/format as you wish.
Yeah, right, that's the command to access the Disk management section directly :p
Thanks anyway.

PS: Requesting mods to close this topic now as the purpose of it is done.
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Turn off intellipark, use these as secondary drives (storage) and you should be good.
In terms of reliability, Black and Blue are allegedly more reliable than the green version.
Thanks for replying but how can we turn this function off?


Human Spambot
I don't know but a rapid search showed me this, see if it helps,
How to: Disable Intellipark on WD Green Drives using wdidle3 - YouTube


Will Power
AFAIK Green onesare for Servers not Regular PCs. They are slower but consume lower power.
But I think they are SUPPOSED to be more reliable cuz they are used for servers....Right?


Ambassador of Buzz
AFAIK Green onesare for Servers not Regular PCs. They are slower but consume lower power.
But I think they are SUPPOSED to be more reliable cuz they are used for servers....Right?

No, Green ones are just your regular "desktop" drives.
Depending on what you mean by "servers" (SAN/Streaming/Enterprise/RAID...), WD has different offerings - Product List


Ambassador of Buzz
So..... why make them?
Significantly slower yet the power consumption isnt that much lower.

You will have to ask WDC that question! :p
Again, this might be just branding - like bad Reds might be good Blacks, bad Blacks good Blues and so on..... Reds are the best in the lot, Greens are the worst!


Human Spambot
Guys what software is there to check if my HD is running properly? I am not sure, a 6.8 GB file took 7 mins 30 secs to archive, I don't know if that's okay or not!
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Wow, it looks like a great software, I will install that and give feedback.
Thanks bro.
But could I check my HD with that software, I mean if it's running properly or not?

Nope, you can use it only for file transfer. But is very good. 4gb took 1 min 45 seconds to copy.

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