Broken In
Doom 3 (play with loud volume)
+1 for UndyingDying light isnt even remotely scary
Try Silent Hill, Resident evil (old ones, especially 3), Clive Barker's Undying
Fear - God damn one of the fastest games that I finished but was not so scaryScary games you need. Play these
2. Dead Space 1
3. Outlast
4. Alien Isolation
5. Call of Chuthulu
6. Resident Evil 4
7. Alan Wake
8. Silent Hill
9. Amnesia
and many more. Ping me again when you complete these.![]()
Doom 3 (play with loud volume)
Resident Evil 4.. Scared the hell out of me in PS2.
I played it on PC as [STRIKE]Bioshock4[/STRIKE] Biohazard 4
initial scene is scary but after that it becomes kind of easy especially when you get Ashley to babysit.
+1 for Undying
OMG one hell of a scary game - this game is unplayable alone
Undying was a really a great game, gothic n atmospheric, definitely scary, but the Prison level in Amnesia is what really scared me, especially I play alone in the dark with the headsets on.
Dead Space 1 and Dead Space 2/ The sudden onslaught of zombies really scares the crap out of you sometimes.
+1In Amnesia, you don't have any form of weapon whatsoever for the whole game. That automatically makes it a 100 times scarier.
That being said. True horror games are the ones that make the playing character as helpless as possible with their only true and trustworthy weapon being their wits.
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Imagine being chased by a malevolent/horrifying entity, you unload your gun onto it but there is little effect. Your only best hope is to attempt to outrun it or hide and hope that it gives up the chase. You run frantically and hopelessly while the entity gains on you with surprisingly agility. Finally, you somehow manage to break its line of sight and hide in some closet, while the entity runs past you. You then sit there and sigh with sweet relief knowing that you have survived just one more encounter.
Fear - God damn one of the fastest games that I finished but was not so scary
Dead Space 1, 2, 3 - Scary a hell - after playing these I can now watch any damn horror movie. - this game is unplayable alone
Silent hill - not so scary
resident evil 4- this is not a scary game wtf?