Livin' in the ghetto
Got new Sify Connection, when installing the dialer SifyBroadband_3.22 it tells me that I don't have a licensed Anti-Virus on my computer (I have Symantec Corporate Edition) and I should Install the one Sify has on Offer (Trendmicro). It refuses to co-exist with Norton so I had to uninstall Norton and install Trendmicro. Now when I go to office and connect to my Corporate Network it refuses to accept Trendmicro and wants to install Norton Back. So I'm having to uninstall and reinstall my Anti-Virus all the time
I really don't want Trendmicro so is there a way to continue using Sify without installing Trendmicro ?
I really don't want Trendmicro so is there a way to continue using Sify without installing Trendmicro ?