Hello all Nokia s40 v5 users, Your solution is here.
Nokia has continue to annoying peoples in there latest s40 v5 devices(more)
1. First you need to Download some file:
Wml file - for Editing(it is currently for Airtel now)
WML Editor
2. Install WML editor and open the Downloaded .wml(NokiaJAVAProxy2)file in it. it looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE wap-provisioningdoc PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD PROV 1.0//EN"
<wap-provisioningdoc version="1.0">
<!-- This WML doc created by Ravi Mathur, January 12 2008 -->
<!-- HowardForums username: ravidavi -->
<characteristic type="BOOTSTRAP">
<!-- Name of the configuration -->
<parm name="NAME" value="MTNL Postpaid JAVA"/>
<!-- Defines how network access occurs -->
<characteristic type="ACCESS">
<parm name="RULE" value="Default Rule"/>
<!-- Connect through specified proxy -->
<parm name="TO-PROXY" value="MTNLProxy"/>
<!-- Defines proxy parameters -->
<characteristic type="PXLOGICAL">
<parm name="PROXY-ID" value="MTNLProxy"/>
<parm name="NAME" value="MTNL Proxy"/>
<characteristic type="PXPHYSICAL">
<parm name="PHYSICAL-PROXY-ID" value="MTNL Proxy"/>
<parm name="PXADDR" value=""/>
<parm name="PXADDRTYPE" value="IPV4"/>
<parm name="PUSHENABLED" value="0"/>
<characteristic type="PORT">
<parm name="PORTNBR" value="9201"/>
<!-- Connect through specified access point -->
<parm name="TO-NAPID" value="MTNLNAP"/>
<!-- Defines Network Access Point (NAP) parameters -->
<characteristic type="NAPDEF">
<parm name="NAPID" value="MTNLNAP"/>
<parm name="NAME" value="MTNL NAP"/>
<parm name="BEARER" value="GSM-GPRS"/>
<parm name="NAP-ADDRESS" value="gprsmtnldel"/>
<parm name="NAP-ADDRTYPE" value="APN"/>
<characteristic type="NAPAUTHINFO">
<!-- PAP is "normal" authentication -->
<parm name="AUTHTYPE" value="PAP"/>
<parm name="AUTHNAME" value="mtnl"/>
<parm name="AUTHSECRET" value="mtnl123"/>
<characteristic type="APPLICATION">
<parm name="APPID" value="x-midlet"/>
<parm name="TO-PROXY" value="MTNLProxy"/>
<parm name="NAME" value="MTNL Proxy"/>
3. Edit according to your service provider specification, which i have marked as
you can also edit Your service providers name(optionally but will be better for you), which i have marked as
Green. and Save it.
Now we are ready to convert this wml file into prove file:
Make a folder in any Drive and copy/paste this wml file in this folder.
2. Extract and copy/paste
wbxml2-0.9.0-bin.win32 folder also in that folder(for your ease only).
3. open
wbxml2-0.9.0-bin.win32 and you will see
4. To run this file open command window and go your created folder by
cd command and run it. It will show how to use it.
for example:
xml2wbxl -o output.wbxml input.xml
xml2wbxml -o C:\Amir\NokiaJAVAProxy2.prov C:\Amir\NokiaJAVAProxy2.wml
This will generate a .prov file with name
NokiaJAVAProxy2.prov in the folder name C:\Amir.
5. That's all.
Now you can transfer this .prov file in your mobile using bluetooth or infrared.
Save this setting and make it
default from configuration.
Fore more help see the Screen Shots on first page, step wise:
I want to give the credit for making this
wml setting file for
s40 v5 is to digit users:
pr.itdude &