recommend a cheaper UPS for this config


Steam High Templar
CPU AMD Phenom II 960t 6957
Motherboard ASUS M5A88-M 5486
GPU MSI AMD/ATI R6850 Cyclone 1 GB 9761
RAM G.Skill 4GB DDR3(F3-12800CL9S-4GBXL) 1150
HDD WD Caviar Blue 500 GB 4300
Optical Drive Asus DRW-24B3ST 1110
Case Cooler Master Elite 310 red Mid Tower Cabinet 1828
PSU Seasonic S12II-520 4050
KB + Mouse logitech mk200 usb 2.0 854
Monitor Benq G2222HDL 7500
UPS Intex 1KVA 3500
CPU Cooler CM Hyper TX3 1328
Total 47807

as you can see the config has an INTEX 1KVA UPS for rs 3500, this is too much for a UPS(atleast according to me) please recommend a cheaper UPS
(the UPS should last till i quit a game/program which i'm using and safely shut down my PC,i have no intrest on continuing playing a game using Power from UPS)


Well the Intex 1KVA is suggested as an option to those who find the APC 1.1KVA for 4.5 to 5k too expensive. I would suggest you do not put your components at risk by compromising on the UPS.

I say this as I lost a 50k PC to a faulty UPS. It fried most of the components.


Steam High Templar
Well the Intex 1KVA is suggested as an option to those who find the APC 1.1KVA for 4.5 to 5k too expensive. I would suggest you do not put your components at risk by compromising on the UPS.

I say this as I lost a 50k PC to a faulty UPS. It fried most of the components.

ok,that taken, where will i get UPS cheaper? Online(pease recommend some stores) or Locally


Away from Forums, Again!
ok,that taken, where will i get UPS cheaper? Online(pease recommend some stores) or Locally

Get the UPS locally. It's a heavy component so the shipping charges will be high obviously. You can check brands like Numeric, APC or Microtek but be sure to get 1KVA.


Human Spambot
Check, Numeric 800VA will cost around 2k.
For the rest amount get CM Hyper 212 EVO instead of TX3.
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