If you encounter any errors during the
move process or when Steam is
launched from the new location, it may
be necessary to perform a more
thorough process: 1. Exit the Steam client application. 2. Browse to the Steam installation folder
for the Steam installation (continuing
the from the last section example, this
would be the new location of D : \ G ame s \ S t e am\ . 3. Move the S t e amAp p s folder from the Steam installation folder to your
desktop. 4. Review the Uninstalling Steam topic for instructions to uninstall Steam (this
must be done to remove your old
Steam installation settings from the
Windows Registry). 5. Review the Installing Steam topic for instructions to re-install Steam to the
desired location. 6. Move the S t e amAp p s folder into the new Steam installation folder to
copy all of your downloaded game
content, settings, and saved games to
the new location. 7. Start Steam and log in to your existing
Steam account to confirm that the
move was successful. 8. For installed games, verify your game cache files and you will be ready to play