PS3 Buying Advice


Hey guys
I needed some advice. I'm getting a PS3 Today. It's a 320GB Version bundled with a copy of GT5 and one Dual-shock 3 Controller. I will be paying 1000QR(14,545 INR) for it.
I Wanted to know whether is it a good deal? How much does a PS3 320GB Cost there in India? Also should i update my PS3 when i connect it for the first time? or should i update the game ?
Sorry if i sound like a n00b. This is my first time buying a console
Thanks for listening. I'll post some pics when i get it


Run down this: [GUIDE] Everything you need to know about the PS3 - Digit Technology Discussion Forum

Answers to your query:

You will have to update both your PS3 and the game. Almost every game that comes with the PS3 asks for an update.

It's a good deal. A similar one in India would be 2-3k more.


Got it today guys. Have to admit it's a wonderful piece of technology :)
Here are some pics as promised


Setting it up now. Will report back :D
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