program for moving through numbered html pages


i want to browse through a site which contains pages ordered in ascending secquence.

like :

so on automatically, with a short, changable delay.

i think this can be done somehow in javascript/python, but i dont know how.
can someone help me here?
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yeah, something like KS said.

i just want to browse.

lots of image sites have their images indexed in folders. i want to navigate one by one (at keypress or at a pre-determined time) through them.


Does the site has some index kind of page?
If yes simply download level1 links. Though it will download more than needed
You can also download "/*" (if it only points to needed files)


i donot need to download.
like im on /page/1
and press a key, then i get taken to /page/2 ... so on, like in online manga readers.

and yeah, the site is indexed.

the numbers go into the field at top left.

example with number :

krish_puri made a spiffing good program, in a damn short time too!
it takes a starting id, 76561197990263447, in this case, number of attempts or range, and time to stay on the page.

it works great!!

it goes through each id, just as i wanted.
but its slightly slow to load the pages on ym system(old laptop) i think it uses chrome engine. if only it could be made to use the opera engine, it'd blaze through!!!

and a java script alternative, if its possible would be awesome too.
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^^ does not work.
keep in mind that im not going back and forth in history, i want to go to the next backpack id.

in short, i want to view all backpacks one by one.
try these :

this is what i meant by going thru backpacks one by one.


Master KOD3R
Easy as a pie, but wait a caveat - If you visit that site you will not have any control on the JS. Enter <iframe />

Use this HTML:

    	<iframe id="preview" src="" width="800" height="600"></iframe>
       	<script type="text/javascript">
			var base_addr = "*";
			var num_str = "76561197990";
			var num_int = 263447;
			var increment = 1;
			var delay = 1000;
			var preview = document.getElementById("preview");
				preview.src = base_addr + num_str + num_int;
				num_int += increment;

Change the code in vars accordingly:
base_addr : Site root address
num_str : In case the number is too big to JS split it in a static string part and integer part
num_int : The incremental part of number
increment: The increment factor
delay : Delay in milliseconds


aww sweet!!!
just what i needed!!!

hmm, now it needs just one thing.
how to pause or stop it when i want?

i donot wish to kill the tab, i want to just pause it, or, better, have it output the id when i last pressed the stop button/keystroke.

ok, cool, i understand what you did with splitting the numbers into 2. that makes it pretty simple.


Master KOD3R
    	<input name="button" id="control" type="button" value="Start" onClick="changeState()"><br>
<iframe id="preview" src="" width="800" height="600"></iframe>
       	<script type="text/javascript">
			var base_addr = "*";
			var num_str = "76561197990";
			var num_int = 263447;
			var increment = 1;
			var delay = 1000;
			var state = false;
			var preview = document.getElementById("preview");
			var id = 0;
			function changeState(){
				state = !state;
				if(state){ doJob(); document.getElementById("control").value = "Stop"; }
				else if(id){ clearInterval(id);	document.getElementById("control").value = "Start"; }			
			function doJob(){
					id = setInterval(function(){		
					preview.src = base_addr + num_str + num_int;
					num_int += increment;

More features?

    	<input name="button" id="control" type="button" value="Start" onClick="changeState()">
        <div>Current page: <span id="output" style="color:#039"></span></div><br>
<iframe id="preview" src="" width="800" height="600"></iframe>
       	<script type="text/javascript">
			var base_addr = "*";
			var num_str = "76561197990";
			var num_int = 263447;
			var increment = 1;
			var delay = 2000;
			var state = false;
			var preview = document.getElementById("preview");
			var output = document.getElementById("output");
			var control = document.getElementById("control");			
			var id = 0;
			function changeState(){
				state = !state;
				if(state){ doJob(); control.value = "Stop"; }
				else if(id){ clearInterval(id);	control.value = "Start"; }			
			function doJob(){
					id = setInterval(function(){		
					output.innerText = preview.src = base_addr + num_str + num_int;
					num_int += increment;
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